Humanitarian aid

Updated 2 weeks ago by Jakub

Who can use this function?

This function is available to all users of the Platform and CargoON.

In this article you will learn:

  • how to label offers with humanitarian aid to Ukraine
  • how to filter them out quickly

Labeling of offers with humanitarian aid to Ukraine

  1. In the main menu, select the Freights or Exchange module.
Step 1 image

  1. Click the Add freight button.
Step 2 image

  1. In the Additional description field, enter one of the phrases: 'aid to ukraine', 'for ukraine', 'for ua', 'for ukraine', 'humanitarian aid', 'humanitarian action', 'humanitarian', 'for refugees'.

  1. In the Freight publication mode section, select Exchange.

Offers recognised as aid to Ukraine will be marked with a flag and the words: 'Humanitarian aid'.
Step 5 image

Filtering offers with humanitarian aid to Ukraine

  1. Go to the Freight exchange module. Fill in the necessary filters and tick Humanitarian aid.
Step 5 image

  1. If you select this filter only, the tab will take its name.
Step 6 image
In the search results you will see offers with humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

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