Time slot management

Updated 5 months ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

Function available for users of the CargoON product line who have the Dock Scheduler product and access to the Schedules module.

From the article you will learn:

  • how to add a time slot for a carrier,
  • how to manage a time slot.

The Schedules module (within the Dock Scheduler product) is a system for managing bookings, time slots and loading and unloading schedules in the warehouse.

How do I add time slots for a carrier?

Time slots allow carriers to reserve a date and time to book a vehicle.

  1. In the Schedules module, click the Add time slot button.
  1. Fill in the required information in the open form to add a time slot:
  • Warehouse - select the warehouse the schedule of which you want to share,
  • Operation type (loading or unloading),
  • Carrier - select the carrier you want to share the time slot with
You can share a time slot with a carrier who does not have an account on the Trans.eu platform. Learn more in this article.

You can also fill in optional fields:

  • External reference no.
  • Time slot count - you can add multiple time slots at the same time.
  • Dock - you can choose a particular dock to be booked by the carrier.
  • Select the date of the time slot (the time slot can be a single day - scheduled up to 90 days in advance, or multiple days - scheduled up to 60 days in advance) and specify the operation time.
When configuring the time slot, the dock working hours option is automatically selected. If you deselect it, you will need to enter the hours.
  • Enter the loading or unloading address (depending on the operation type you have selected above, the warehouse details will be filled in automatically.
  • Shipper's remarks - a place where you can add information for the carrier.
  • Attachments - you can attach any necessary documents if you selected this option in the booking template.
Learn more about handling attachments here.

After completing the form, click Save.

If you select Create next time slot, the form will remain open for you to complete the details for the new time slot.

The time slot has been created and sent to the carrier.

Time slot management

  1. If you want to see a list of time slots, click the arrow next to the Bookings schedule and select Time slots.
  1. The time slots view shows all the slots waiting to be booked by the carrier for the selected warehouse.

  1. As long as the carrier has not made a booking for the issued time slot, you can edit or delete it. To do this, select the time slot from the list, click on the three dots icon and select your option.

If you want to see which companies did not make a booking despite having received time slots, use the options to filter and search for expired time slots.
Select FILTERS, then choose the parameters you are interested in, tick the show expired checkbox and click Show results.

When the carrier makes a booking in your warehouse using the time slot, it becomes a booking. You can find it in the bookings schedule or in the bookings list. From both views, you can navigate to the management of bookings.

Learn more about managing bookings here.

Did you know that...
A time slot is also automatically created in your warehouse automatically based on an existing order in the Orders module. If
- in an Order, your warehouse is at an unloading or loading point,
- there is a time slot available in the warehouse within the selected date of the Order.

If both conditions are met, an icon will appear in the Time slot column (Orders module) to indicate that the time slot has been successfully added, and the carrier will receive an e-mail informing them that the time slot has been added.

If the route for the same order consists of more than one location that is your warehouse at the same time, then the order will automatically create a time slot for each of these warehouses.

The carrier can make a booking through a time slot within the time specified in that slot.

If you delete a booking that originated from a time slot, that slot will be restored. If the time slot has not expired, it is possible to make another booking. If the time has elapsed, this option is no longer available.

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