Savings Management report

Updated 3 days ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

Function available to CargoON and Trans for Forwarders users who purchased a complementary product: Business Intelligence reports.

The reports are visible to selected users specified by the company requesting access.

Learn more about the BI reports product.

Based on the data from the Savings Management report you can:

  • see the results of the negotiations on the Platform,
  • check how effectively your employees negotiate,, whether they can achieve more favourable conditions compared to the first, lowest and highest offer received,
  • compare the performance of your employees,
  • find out where negotiations bring the best results.

To open the report, go to the Savings Management tab in the BI Reports module.

The report consists of 6 main sections:

  1. Accepted price chart- shows the total number of transactions made on the Platform,
  2. Employee accepted price table - lists the employees who made transactions,
  3. Accepted price on Loading country map - with the total number of transactions per country,
  4. Savings from chart - with the amount of generated savings,
  5. Employees savings from First price table - with the amount of savings generated by employees
  6. Savings from First price on Loading map - with the value of negotiations per country

The report is based on data extracted from accepted freights, i.e. those which resulted in the conclusion of transactions on the Platform.Data is presented according to the freight unloading date.Exchange rates are converted according to the freight unloading date.

Accepted price

The Accepted price chart presents the total value of transactions made over a specified period, along with the median and the extreme (lowest and highest) values.

Total stands for the total value of transactions made on the Platform.

The arrow indicates whether the current value is higher or lower than the value from another selected period.

Hovering the cursor over the arrow shows the period to which the value is being compared. The date range can be changed by filtering.

Employee accepted price

In this section you will find a list of employees sorted by the number of transactions made by them, starting with the highest number and ending with the lowest.

You can compare the negotiation results of individual employees and see which of them generated the highest cost of the concluded transactions and which of them negotiated most effectively.

The list displays up to 9 employees. Use the slider to specify the number of people displayed and the filter to select a specific employee.

By clicking on the employee's name, the rest of the charts will adjust to show the values for the selected person.

Accepted price on Loading country

The map presents the total value of transactions for the countries in which they were made.

You can switch the view between "Unloading" and "Loading" using the list next to the Country parameter.

Savings from

The chart allows you to see the savings your employees have achieved through effective negotiation.

You can choose how you want to calculate the savings, e.g. by comparing the employee's first offer with the accepted price.

Savings made during negotiations are calculated as the difference between the accepted freight price and the selected value:

  • First Offer - the first price offer made by your employee,
  • Min Offer - the lowest price offer received from the subcontractor,
  • Max Offer - the highest price offer received from the subcontractor,

Example: When the First price parameter is selected, the value calculated is the price offered by the employee at the beginning minus the price that was accepted.

Total is the sum of savings for all transactions.

The arrow compares values from the previous period - showing whether the current value is higher or lower.

Employees savings from First price

The chart is linked to the parameter you selected for the Saving from chart.

It shows how your employees negotiate prices - the higher the value on the graph, the more effective their negotiation was. The value of the savings achieved is calculated by multiplying the amount of the transaction made (accepted price) by the parameter selected in the Saving from chart.

If you select Max offer in the Saving from chart, you will see values for this parameter in the Employee savings from Max offer chart:

The chart shows up to 9 top employees. You can change this number using the slider.

When you click on the name of a particular employee, the other charts will show the results of that employee only.

Savings from First price on Loading

This section shows the savings made during the ongoing negotiations in each country.

You can choose whether you want to see the savings at the loading or unloading places (using the drop-down list) and how you want to calculate them (based on first price, min offer, max offer - parameter selected in the Savings from chart).


Click on the filter icon in the right-hand column to open the filter settings of the Savings Management report.

Filter settings include:

  • range of displayed data (Unloading date)
  • currency of the transaction (Currency)
  • country of loading (Loading country)
  • country of unloading (Unloading country)
  • employee (Employee)

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