Negotiation report
Who can use this function? Function available to CargoON and Trans for Forwarders users who have purchased the complementary product: Business Intelligence reports. Reports are visible to users selected by the company ordering access. Learn more about BI reports. |
Based on data from the Negotiation report you can:
- check what savings were achieved or could have been achieved on individual freights,
- see the negotiation process for each freight in the form of a chart,
- plan your strategy for future price negotiations based on historical data
Navigating through the Negotiation report
Parameters that allow you to set the number and status of freights and how to sort them.
- KPI with summarized data for the entire company, based on selected filters.
- Summary list table with data on negotiations for specific freights and routes.
- Negotiation flow chart showing the course of negotiations for the selected freight or route.
- Chart with data on carriers.
- Filters.
It presents data collected on the basis of negotiations conducted by individual employees on specific routes.
Parameter settings
In the upper part of the report you can find parameters that allow you to select the required data range.
- Unloading date: you can change it using filters.
- Show - enter the number of freights to be shown on the charts.
- Freight status - from the drop-down list select the sorting type:
- All (to see data for all published freights - accepted and not accepted),
- Accepted (only accepted freights)
- Not accepted (freights that have not been accepted).
- List sorted by -you can sort routes by:
- Max freights - routes with the largest number of freights.
- Diff between max offer vs acc price -routes with the largest difference between the accepted price and the maximum offer.
In this section you can find charts showing the daily trend of accepted and not accepted freights and a doughnut chart for the negotiation breakdown.
The type of data and the time period displayed depend on the parameters you set.
- Accepted freight
The Total value shows the total number of accepted freights - those where a transaction was concluded - in a given time.
The Median lifetime refers to the median time that passed from the moment the freight was created to its acceptance on the selected routes.
You can set the median using the filter:
- minutes - how many minutes on average did it take to accept the freight
- hours - the median provides this time in hours.
Day trend
A chart showing how the number of accepted freights has changed over time.
- Not accepted freights
Total is the total number of freights that were not accepted within a specified time.
Median lifetime refers to the median time from the moment a freight was created until it was rejected or not accepted on the selected routes. Here you can also see this time in minutes or hours.
Day trend
A chart showing how the number of not accepted freights has changed over time.
- Negotiation split
The donut chart illustrates the freight negotiation split between the main negotiating parties: the Carrier and the Shipper.
Hovering over the chart will display a tooltip with information about the publication type (e.g. freight exchange).
Summary list table
The table contains data related to the negotiation process, which is influenced by the parameters set in the upper part of the report.
- Route - information on which routes offers were submitted and negotiated.
- Employee - the names of employees who published and negotiated offers.
- Freight number.
- Sent offers - the number of offers sent as part of negotiations for a given route and freight.
- Responses - the number of responses received to sent offers.
- Difference Max Offer vs. Accepted Price - the column shows the difference between the highest offer submitted during negotiations and the price that was ultimately accepted by both parties.
Employee efficiency - check which of your employees is the most effective in negotiations, e.g. an employee who regularly achieves small differences between the maximum offer and the accepted price can be considered a good negotiator.
Offer submission effectiveness - by comparing the number of submitted offers with the responses to them, you can evaluate how effective the submission process is.
Negotiation effectiveness - you can compare how negotiations are progressing on selected routes and decide where you can set higher offer rates.
Negotiation flow chart
This section shows the progress of negotiations on selected routes.
To obtain data in it, click on the Summary list for the route or freight.
After selecting a route, the first column will show the data of all carriers who participated in the offer negotiations on this route.
In the second column, a bar chart shows the negotiation process — indicating who was involved and on whose side the price was accepted. A green bar represents accepted negotiations, yellow and brown indicate who rejected the offer.
At the bottom of the table, the hours during which the negotiations took place are marked.
In addition to information about the freight number, negotiation time, etc., you will also learn whether the offer came from a shipper/carrier and whether it was accepted.
You can also compare the course of negotiations on the same route with other carriers.
Carriers chart
In this part, you can specify the number of carriers (how many of them you want to see on the chart) and the way of sorting the data:
- by the number of freights
- by the number of directions
- by the difference between the maximum offer and the accepted rate.
Click on the filter symbol in the right-hand column to open the filtering settings for the Negotiation report.
In the filter settings you can select:
- range of data displayed (Unloading date)
- unloading place (Unloading place)
- loading place (Loading place)
- employee (Employee)
- range of accepted price on the slider (Accepted price)
- currency (EUR or PL)
- number of a freight (Freight number)
- type of a publication (Publication type): Exchange, Fixed routes, to groups (to selected) or SmartMatch.