Invite a company to cooperation

Updated 1 week ago by Ania

Who can use this function?​

This function is available to all users of the platform and CargoON.

From this article you will learn how to:

  • search for a company on the platform
  • invite a company to cooperation on the platform
  • accept an invitation to cooperation
  • invite a company to the private exchange

Search for a company on the platform

  1. Go to the Companies tab of the Contractors module. Enter the name of the company you are looking for in the search box.

The search tool will only scan the database of authorized companies. These are companies verified in terms of security.

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If the company is not found in the database, you can invite it to cooperation.

Invite companies to start cooperation on the platform

  1. In the Contractors module, complete the mandatory fields (marked with an asterisk) and click the Send invitation button.
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  • All the previously sent invitations, including the future ones, will be stored in a newly created tab called Invitations sent.

For each item in the list, you can open a window with details, where the following actions can be selected under More:

  • Resend invitation (e-mail address must be different)
  • Revoke invitation (at any time)

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  • The same actions are also available in the menu of a particular line on the list.

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Accept an invitation to cooperation

  1. The company which is invited by us, receives an e-mail. If they wish to work with us, they should click on the Accept invitation option.
The invitation expires after 30 days.

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* Content of the e-mail is for reference only.

  1. The link will redirect the user to a page where they can choose between two options:
  • if you do not have an account on the platform, Sign up
  • if you have an account, Log in

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Upon registering and logging into the platform, a window to accept the invitation is displayed.

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If the invitation is cancelled, you can still open the window by clicking ony the link in the previously sent e-mail.

After accepting the invitation, the company can be found in the Companies tab of the Contractors module.

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Invite companies from outside the platform to the Private exchange

The Private exchange can be owned by users of the following lines:

  • CargoON (shippers),
  • Trans for Forwarders (forwarders) with access to the Private Freight Exchange product (learn more).
As a user of the Trans for Carriers line, you can be a member of your contractors' Private exchange. You will then receive some additional non-public freight offers.

Take the initiative and get in touch with your trusted contractor. Find out below how to join the Private exchange.
  1. Click Send invitation.
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  1. In the displayed window, enter the company name and tick Add this company to the private exchange.

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There are two ways to send an invitation to the private exchange: by e-mail or by SMS.

  1. Enter the e-mail address and click Send invitation.
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  • In the Invitations sent tab, the following details are listed: e-mail address, area of cooperation and the sender of the invitation along with the date of sending it.

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The same actions are available both from the details drawer and from the line level: resending (multiple times to the same e-mail address) and revoking the invitation.

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The e-mail contains a registration link. There is a CODE which, if you have an account on the platform, will allow you to accept the invitation.

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* Content of the email is for reference only.

Clicking on REGISTER will take the invitee to the dedicated page.

The invitation is valid for 30 days.

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  1. If you choose to send a text message, enter the phone number and click Send invitation.

The invitee will receive the SMS with a link to the Loads2GO mobile application, or to the Play Store to download it, and the CODE to accept the invitation at a later time.

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* Content of SMS is for reference only.

When registering and logging into the platform, the carrier is presented with a window to accept the invitation. The selected area of cooperation is highlighted.

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If the inviter selects the option: Require authorization via Platform, the account must be authorized first.
If the user does not accept the invitation immediately either by cancelling/closing the window or after getting authorisation, he/she can accept this invitation in two ways: through the link sent to the e-mail/SMS or by using the CODE.

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To accept the invitation, go to the Companies tab of the Contractors module and select Accept invitation.

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In the displayed window, the carrier should enter the code received in the e-mail or text message, as well as the e-mail address or phone number, and then click Continue and Accept invitation.

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All offers received on the private exchange are available in the Search loads module, directly in the tab created by the system. They are tagged as Private exchange.

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In the list, under the Invitations sent tab, one can see the form in which the invitation was sent. If it was sent by a text message, the phone number is presented, if by e-mail, then the address is displayed.

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Private exchange invitations do not disappear from the list, they only change their status.
Learn how to add a company that is already your contractor to the Private exchange.

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