Widget - Ratings

Updated 2 months ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

Function available to all users of the Trans.eu and CargoON Platform.

Learn more about the Dashboard Module and widgets. Module Dashboard i widgetach.

Basic information about the widget

Add the Ratings widget to your Dashboard to keep track of how your company and employees are rated by contractors.

Ratings widget

  • belongs to the widgets in the Ratings category,
  • intended for ordering parties and contractors,
  • presents the data collected from the ratings received over the last 30 days. This data is stored in the Ratings and References module of the Platform.
  • presents company-wide and user-specific data,
  • presents data in historical time,
  • you can add it to your Dashboard more than once (maximum 9).

The main elements of the Ratings widget are:

  1. An overall rating showing the average of all your ratings or company ratings (depending on the view selected) over the last 30 days, with the trend highlighted.
    Underneath the rating , there is a detailed breakdown of the ratings used to calculate the average.
  2. A button to switch from the company view to the user view.
  3. Information about the view you are in.

How to analyse data

Transactions concluded on the platform and accepted freights are rated. The rating is given on a 5-star scale, where 1 star is a poor rating and 5 stars is an excellent rating.
  1. Click the view toggle button to analyse your own rating (i.e. the average of all the ratings for freight offers you have published) or the company rating (the average of all employee ratings).

In the example above, you can see that the user's rating is higher than the company-wide rating. There is also a green arrow next to the user rating. This indicates an upward trend - the user rating is higher compared to the previous period.

  1. To make it easier to analyse the data, add the widget twice (you can add it up to 9 times).
To learn how to add a widget to your dashboard, see Widgets - basic information.
  1. Set up a user view on one widget and a company view on the other.

Example 1

The average of all ratings for the company (1) over the last 30 days is 4.3. This was calculated on the basis of 24 ratings (15 very good, 6 good, 1 satisfactory and 2 unsatisfactory ratings). This is a downward trend compared to the previous period.

The average of all user ratings (2) is higher, but there is also a downward trend here.

Example 2

The average of all user ratings is 4.9 and this is an upward trend (green arrow), which means that the user has achieved a better rating compared to the previous period. The company's rating is lower and being marked in yellow, which means that there is a steady trend.

What do the colors we use to display the results mean?

grey - no trend - this means that we have no data from the previous period.
yellow - steady trend - the rating has not changed from the previous period.
red - downward trend, additionally marked with a red arrow - the rating is lower than in the previous period.
green - upward trend, additionally marked with a green arrow - the rating is higher than in the previous period.

The Ratings widget lets you not only track your progress, but also compare your rating to the company as a whole.

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