Searching for load offers in Loads2GO
Who can use this function in Loads2GO?
Function available to carriers using the Loads2GO application
From this article you will learn how to:
- search for load offers in Loads2GO
- use offer search filters and manage their notifications
- share freights
- calculate route costs
In the Freight offers module, there are public and private freight offers (the same as those available on the Platform). The offers are divided into two tabs:
- Exchange - the list of public load offers can be found here
- Private exchange - it contains the list of private load offers
Exchange tab
The Exchange tab can be seen right after launching the application.
If you are in different place of the app, you can return to this tab by clicking on the Freight offers module (the first icon on the bottom left), and then on the Exchange tab.

Using filters defined on the Platform
In order to view freight offers, use the filters that are currently active in the web version of the Platform.
- Under the Exchange tab, click the Set filters button.
- You will see the list of filters currently active in the web version of the Platform (they are synchronized on a regular basis). Select the filter you want to use.

Select the filter to see the search results for the specified parameters.
Adding a new search filter
To create a new search filter for load offers:
- Click the Set filters button.
- Click on Add search filter on exchange.
- Fill in the parameters.
- the range of loading/unloading days,
- additional vehicle parameters (with "show only" option),
- financial services (QuickPay, Bonabanco, SafePay),
- orderer's rating,
- freight price.
- Click Search.

The search results will be displayed according to the set parameters.
Managing notifications of new offers
Notifications of new offers are enabled by default - you will receive them even when the application is running in the background. To turn them off, simply click the bell icon.

You will see a crossed-out bell icon - from that moment you will not get any notifications.
Private exchange tab
If a shipper has added your company to a private exchange, the second tab - Private exchange shows the list of offers available to the chosen users only.
To view offers from the Private exchange, click on the Freight offers module (the first icon at the bottom left) and then on the Private exchange tab.

Filtering load offers from the private exchange
You can narrow the list of private load offers by introducing additional filters.
- Click on Filters.

- Fill in the parameters and confirm your choice by clicking on Search.

- the range of loading/unloading days,
- additional vehicle parameters (with "show only" option),
- financial services (QuickPay, Bonabanco, SafePay),
- orderer's rating,
- freight price.
Offer details
Click on a particula offer to enter the Freight offers view and see more information.

Learn more about the messenger.
At this point you can:
- Click on the three dots to:
- share a freight,
- calculate your route costs.

- For more information, you can go to the following tabs:
- Route - check your route on the map.
- Details - find additional information on the offer.
- About company - check information on the shipper.
- Ratings - it contains detailed information about the company's rating on the Platform.