Dock Scheduler - Warehouse utilization widget

Updated 6 months ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

This function is available to all users of the Platform and CargoON who purchased access to Dock Scheduler.

Learn more about the Dashboard and widgets module.

Basic information about the widget

Add the DS Warehouse utilization widget to your Dashboard to track hours in which warehouse and docks are the most busy.

DS Warehouse utilization widget:

  • belongs to widgets from the Schedules category,
  • presents data collected on the basis of all bookings approved on given days, that ended positively or negatively.
  • presents data in real time,
  • can be added to your Dashboard more than once (maximum 9 times).

Widget navigation

The main elements of the DS Warehouse utilization widget are:

  1. Filters - they allow you to specify the type of data displayed. To open the filters, click on the blue arrow.

You can filter the data by category:

  • Value - total or average - the filter determines how the values ​​are calculated for particular days.
  • Warehouse - select the name of the specific warehouse for which you want to see data. You can also select all warehouses.
  • Dock - this option is available only after selecting one warehouse. When you do so, you can choose a specific dock in this warehouse or display data for all docks in this warehouse.
  • Status type - all, positive or negative booking statuses.
The status in the widget refers directly to the booking status that appears in the Schedules module.
Positive status - these are bookings with the following statuses: Loaded/Unloaded, Departure.
Negative statuses - these are notifications with the following statuses: Not loaded, Not unloaded, Refusal to load, Refusal to unload, No vehicle.

Number of days back - use the slider to specify the time from which you want to display data (you can go back from 1 to 30 days).

  1. Information for which warehouse the data are shown. Here you can see the name of the warehouse selected in the filters or a remark: All warehouses (this is the default filter setting).
  2. A chart presenting bookings in specific hours.
If your warehouses have different opening hours on particular days, e.g. 06:00-12:00, 08:00-16:00, 09:00-17:00, then the time range on the chart will be 06:00-17:00.

Depending on the Status type filter settings, the chart will have a different color:

  • blue - for types of status,
  • green - positive statuses,
  • red - negative statuses.
  1. The Refresh option allows you to update the data displayed on the widget.

How to analyze data

  1. To facilitate data analysis, add the widget twice (you can add the widget up to 9 times).
You can learn how to add a widget to the Dashboard in the article Widgets - basic information.
  1. Select different filters on each widget, e.g. show negative status (1) and positive status (2) for all warehouses.

  1. Hover over a selected part of the chart to see detailed information about bookings at a given hour.

Since you can add the DS Warehouse utilization widget up to 9 times, you can analyze the data in several configurations, e.g. compare the number of positive and negative statuses for all warehouses (1, 2) or for the same warehouse (e.g. Studio Amsterdam), compare the number of all bookings ( 3) with the number of bookings with a negative status (4).

By analyzing the workload of the warehouse and docks at specific hours, you can:

  • better adjust the number of employees to the current needs,
  • identify the so-called "bottlenecks" and areas requiring improvement by comparing the ratio of bookings with positive to negative status,
  • respond faster to potential issues such as excessive workload, lack of sufficient staff during critical hours,
  • see which docks are more and which are less busy and allocate bookings effectively.

If you add all widgets from the Schedules category to your Dashboard, you will get a full picture of the functioning of your warehouses.

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