Payment statuses

Updated 3 months ago by Jakub

When a transaction is concluded on the Platform, the option to evaluate the contractor appears after the execution of the order. Additionally, it is also possible to evaluate the payment status.

Payment statuses are available in the exchange offer line

Payment statuses visible in the offer indicate payment ratings that the contractor has received.

To use an example:

  • 41 on time
  • 3 with delay
  • 4 problems

Evaluation of an order and indication of the payment status

Example 1

  • Rate a given order by selecting the number of stars, e.g. 4
  • Select the payment status, e.g. Paid on time
  • You can add a comment to your rating
  • Submit the rating with the green Save button

Once a rating is added, it will not be possible to change it.

  • Once saved, the rating will appear in the window
  • In the list of pending ratings, the status of the rating will change to "Paid on time"
  • In the bottom left-hand corner there will appear the message: "Rating issued" with the Back option, being active for 8 seconds

Example 2

  • Order execution rated at 4 stars
  • Payment status: "Paid with delay" - select one of the available options

  • You can use the tags next to the payment status and separately next to the rating of the order to indicate what went wrong
  • You can also add a comment
  • Submit the rating with the green Save button

  • Once saved, the rating will appear in the window
  • In the list of pending ratings, the status of the rating will change to "Delayed payment"
  • In the bottom left-hand corner there will appear the message: "Rating issued" with the Back option, being active for 8 seconds

Example 3

  • Order execution rated at 3 stars
  • Payment status: "Not paid"

  • Use the tags to indicate what went wrong or add a comment (always when the star rating is 3 or below)
  • Submit the rating with the green Save button

  • Once saved, the rating will appear in the window
  • In the list of pending ratings, the status of the rating will change to "Payment issue"
  • In the bottom left-hand corner there will appear the message: "Payment issue reported" with the Back option, being active for 8 seconds

  • If your contractor settles the due amount, you can change the payment status to "Paid with delay" - select one of the available options.

  • The rating status will change to "Delayed payment"

Evaluation of an order without specifying the payment status

  • Rate a given order by selecting the number of stars, e.g. 4
  • Payment status: "The payment deadline has not passed yet"
  • You can add a comment to your rating
  • Submit the rating with the green Save button

  • Once saved, the rating will appear in the window
  • In the list of pending ratings, its status will change to "Specify the payment status"
  • In the bottom left-hand corner there will appear the message: "Rating issued" with the Back option, being active for 8 seconds

  • If the payment status was not specified upon evaluation, you may rate it at a later time.

  • If the Contractor makes a payment, you can set the payment status to "Paid on time"

  • Once saved, the payment status will be visible in the rating list.

  • If your Contractor has not made a payment, you can use the "Report payment issue" option.

  • You can lower the star rating here
  • Use the tags to indicate what went wrong
  • Add a comment
  • Save the changes using the "Report issue" button

  • All the changes made are available in the "Change history" tab

  • In the Contractor's account, the first and the modified rating will be visible
  • Chart with the red exclamation mark reflects the number of payment issues
  • Payment evaluation shows in detail how many orders have been paid on time/with delay and how many payment issues have arisen

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