The function is available to users of the CargoON and Trans for Forwarders lines who have purchased the complementary product: Business Intelligence reports and have access to Dock Scheduler.
Reports are visible to selected users specified by the company ordering access.
Based on the data from theOperation timelinereport:
you will see how a specific booking was carried out,
you will learn the operation time of carriers and in the warehouse,
you will find out how much time was spent working in the entire warehouse and at particular ramps,
you will analyze working time in the context of specific weeks, days and hours, thanks to which you will streamline warehouse operations,
you will get a full picture of the process of handling a given operation.
Navigation in the Operation timeline report
To go to the report, click on the BI reports module and then select the Operation timeline tab.
The report consists of 3 main sections:
Parameters that will allow you to set the delay time you accept, operation time, and the range of days you want to analyze.
KPIs that show summarized data for the entire company, based on selected filters.
A table showing the course of individual bookings.
The report is based on data obtained from the Dock Scheduler module.
Parameter settings
In the upper part of the report you will find parameters that will allow you to select the necessary data range.
You can also define the data range in the filter options, as described in the final part of the article.
Date range - this is the range of days covered by the data presented in the report. You can specify it in the filter options mentioned in the final part of the article.
Delay time tolerance [min]: Carrier arrived and Operation started
Using the slider you can set the tolerance time for:
delays on the carrier's side (Carrier arrived),
operation start time (Operation started).
In both cases, the acceptable delay time is shown in minutes and is a maximum of 20 minutes.
There are two tolerance times:
when the carrier arrives too early,
when the carrier arrives late.
In the example, the tolerance time is 15 minutes. Let's assume that unloading was scheduled for 8:00. The carrier arrived at the warehouse at 8:10. The report will not consider it a delay, but an on-time arrival. The situation will be similar if the carrier arrives at the warehouse at 7:55.
When you set the tolerance time, the data in the rest of the report will adjust accordingly.
Data aggregation allows you to analyze data in various contexts. You can group data by:
day of the week,
day of the month,
hour of the day.
After specifying the data group, the Total operations time, Total carrier delay and Total warehouse delay charts will adjust accordingly.
In this section you will find 3 line charts and 1 bar chart. Charts summarize data for your entire company according to the scope you selected in Data aggregation.
Total operations time - shows the real operation time (in hours) in the warehouse for the entire company (or for a selected warehouse, if you choose so in the main filters). Depending on the data scope you choose, you can check how much time operations take in specific hours, days of the week or month.
Total carrier delay - the total time of carrier delays (in hours). Here, you can also check during which hours, on which days of the week, or in which months there were the most carrier delays.
Top n carriers delay - a bar chart that shows carrier delays.Using the slider, you can specify the number of carriers displayed. Clicking on a bar will open a window with information about the total delay time for that carrier. The number next to the bar indicates how many operations this time applies to (e.g. the carrier's delay is 4 hours and 45 minutes in total for 2 operations).
The data is sorted in descending order based on the total delay time, not the number of operations, as indicated to the right of the bar.
You can select a specific carrier and the bottom section of the report will show only their bookings.
Total warehouse delay - total warehouse delay time (in hours). The chart will show you at what times and on what days of the week or month there were the most delays on the warehouse side.
Booking table
In this part of the report, you will track progress of all your bookings.
To begin with, you can set the parameters according to your preferences. You will find them on the left.
By default, early arrivals are treated as on-time arrivals. Only bookings with delays are shown.
Arriving earlier is on time - select "yes" from the drop-down list (if you consider the carrier's earlier arrival as punctuality) or "no" (if you do not consider it as punctuality).
If you select "no" in Arriving earlier is on time, the chart in the upper part of the Top n carriers delay report will change to Top n carriers too early. The Totalcarrier too early chart will be displayed in place of the Totalwarehouse delay chart.
Operation timeline - select what types of bookings you want to display in the operation schedule. You can choose:
all operations (All)
operations delayed due to carrier (carrier delay)
This means that the carrier arrived at the warehouse after the booked time slot had expired.
operations that did not take place (not happen)
Operations that didn't take place indicate that neither loading nor unloading has started, even if the vehicle entered the warehouse area. Such bookings in the Schedules module are marked with the status Problem occurred. It includes bookings with the statuses: Not loaded, Not unloaded, Refused to load, Refused to unload, No vehicle.
operations that took place on time (on time)
operations delayed due to warehouse (warehouse delay)
This means that the carrier arrived at the warehouse as scheduled, but the warehouse started loading/unloading with a delay (after the booked time slot had expired).
If you select "no" in Arriving earlier is on time, then you can select the following from the Operation timeline list:
all operations (All),
delayed by the carrier (carrier delay),
when the carrier arrived ahead of schedule (carrier too early),
operations that did not take place (not happen).
Timeout - use this function to check whether the operation time has been exceeded.
Tick "yes" to view delayed bookings. Using the slider, you can set a tolerance time of up to 20 minutes.
This will allow you to determine whether carrier delay affects warehouse operations.
Booking table
The table makes it easier for you to monitor bookings in specific warehouses and ramps. The columns contain booking numbers, and the rows contain warehouse names and ramp names.
If you want to check the progress of a given booking, you can also select its number from the drop-down list: Booking number.
With filters, you can specify the warehouses and ramps you want to track. Filter settings are described at the end of the article.
Operations are marked with the following colors:
yellow - carrier delay - delay on the carrier's side,
navy blue - not happen - the operation did not take place,
gray - on time - the operation took place at the scheduled time,
red - warehouse delay - delay on the warehouse side.
Some bookings may also have a clock icon (if you have selected the Timeout option) - this means that there has been an additional delay in the actual operation (loading or unloading).
Example 1: The selected booking is marked gray with a clock icon. Gray means that the carrier arrived at the warehouse on time. The clock indicates that the loading (or unloading) time has been exceeded - e.g. the operation was planned for 60 minutes, but in fact it took 95 minutes.
Example 2: The selected booking is marked red. Red indicates that the carrier arrived on time and the delay occurred on the warehouse side (e.g. there was no available ramp). Despite the delay, the operation time was not exceeded (hence, no clock icon).
Click on a specific booking to check its details.
Below the table, Timeline [data time] will be displayed with the time of particular events (when you hover over the dot of a given event, a window with the date and time will be displayed):
Carrier arrived - vehicle has arrived at the warehouse
Operation started - loading/unloading has begun
Operation finished - loading/unloading has ended
Booking started,
Carrier left - vehicle has left the warehouse area
Boooking finished.
Warehouse working time [min] shows what the planned operation time was and how long the operation actually took.
Below you will also find information about time differences in the context of a specific booking:
Time between carrier arrived and operation started.
Time between finished operation and carrier left.
Time between carrier arrived and carrier left.
You can filter data in 4 ways:
By selecting the option to display data in Arriving earlier is on time.
By clicking on the selected carrier in Top n carriers delay.
By selecting the booking number from the Booking number list.
By selecting the appropriate options in the Operation timeline.
Click on the filter symbol in the right column to open the Operation timeline report filter settings.
In the filter settings you can:
select a date range (Date range),
select ramp (Ramp name),
select a warehouse (Warehouse name),
select booking status - all or completed (Status),