Conversation archive

Updated 2 months ago by Małgorzata

Who can use this function?

This function is available to all users of the Platform and CargoON.

From this article you will learn how to:

  • search for a conversation in the archive
  • export a conversation to a PDF file

Searching for conversations in the archive

It is possible to go back to an archived conversation containing information relevant to you.

  1. The archive of conversations can be found in two places:
  • select Conversations archive from the platform menu

Step 1 image

  • In the messenger, select Contacts (icon in the messenger menu). Find the person you chatted with and click the three dots. Then select Conversations archive

Step 9 image

  1. Click FILTERS. This will let you search for conversations by person's name (surname, company name) or by selected date range.

Step 2 image

  1. Click the Search button.
Step 1 image

You can choose from the available conversation contexts to narrow down your search.

Step 5 image

Exporting a conversation to a PDF file

You can download an archived conversation and save it as a PDF file.

  1. After selecting the conversation to download, click EXPORT TO PDF.

Step 6 image

  1. Set the date range and confirm with the Generate file button.

Step 7 image

Information about the file generation will be displayed.

  1. The generated file can be found in the notifications.
Step 9 image

  1. In the marked area you can download the PDF file with the archived conversation.
Step 10 image

Downloading the Conversation archive can take up to several minutes, depending on the file size.

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