Issued ratings

Updated 1 month ago by Jakub

Who can use this function?

This function is available to all users of the Platform and CargoON.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to filter ratings by role
  • how to rate as a customer
  • how to rate as a contractor
  • how to rate from the Orders module
  • how to issue a positive rating for multiple transactions at once

A rating can be issued after the unloading date of a given order. Each transaction concluded on the Platform and each accepted freight is subject to rating - thanks to this, information on the quality of cooperation between companies will always be up-to-date and reliable. A rating can be issued using stars on a five-point scale, where 1 means insufficient and 5 means very good.

Filtering ratings by role

  1. Choose the Ratings and references module from the menu and go to the Issue a rating tab.
  2. Click FILTERS and select the role in which you rate a given order.

When rating, you can see the time left to rate a given transaction.

  1. Select the transaction you want to rate from the list and click on it.

Issuing a rating as a Customer

As a Customer, you have 30 days to issue a rating.

If you evaluate your contractor and do not give the highest rating, you can use the ready-made suggestions and indicate one of the areas where something went wrong:

  • Documents delivery
  • Communication
  • Caring for goods
  • Service as arranged
  • Transport on-time performance

You can also add a comment.

Once you issue a rating, you will not be able to change it.

After saving, the rating will be visible in the offer details window. In the lower left corner you will see the message Rating issued with the option to undo, which is active for 8 seconds. In the list of ratings to issue, the status of the rating will change.

Issuing a rating as a Contractor

As a Contractor, you have 120 days to issue a rating from the date of unloading.

If you rate the Customer with less than 5 stars in the star rating system, you must indicate the reason or enter a comment using the prompt to activate the Save option.

When rating an order, you can immediately indicate the payment status:

  • Paid on time
  • Paid with delay
  • Not paid

You have 120 days from the unloading date to rate the payment status.

If you want to learn more about Payment statuses - go to this article.

Issuing a rating from the Orders module

  1. From the menu on the left, select the Orders module.
  2. In the Sent tab, find the orders you want to rate.

A new window will appear with the option to issue a rating, along with the time left to issue a rating.

The ability to rate a contractor after the service has been completed is a tool that helps enhance the security of transactions made on the Freight and Vehicle Exchange.

Issuing a positive rating for multiple transactions at once

You can rate multiple transactions positively at once. Mark selected freights and click Rate positively.

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