Issued ratings

Updated 1 month ago by Jakub

When you can add a rating on the Platform

  1. Evaluation can be made after the date of unloading of a given order.
  2. Each transaction concluded on the Platform and each accepted freight is subject to evaluation. Thanks to this, information about the quality of cooperation between companies is always up-to-date and reliable.
  3. Ratings can be submitted with the use of stars on a five-point scale, where 1 is a poor rating and 5 is a very good one

How to add a rating on the Platform

  • Choose the "Ratings and references" module from the left-hand side menu and go to the "Pending ratings"
  • Select the role in which you will evaluate a given order: As an orderer / As a contractor

  • Next to the rating you can see the remaining time for the transaction to be rated
  • Select the transaction you want to evaluate from the list

Adding ratings as an Orderer

  • As an Orderer, you have 30 days to submit a rating
  • If you evaluate your contractor and do not give him the highest rating, you can use the predefined prompts to indicate an area in which something went wrong: delivery of documents, communication, care of goods. compliance with arrangements, timeliness of transport. You also have the possibility of adding a comment.

Once a rating is given, it cannot be changed.

  • Once saved, the rating will be visible in the offer details window, in the bottom left-hand corner there will appear the message: "Rating issued" with the Back option, being active for 8 seconds. The status of the rating will change on the list of pending ratings.

Adding ratings as a Contactor

  • As a Contractor, you have 120 days from the date of unloading to submit a rating.
  • If you evaluate your contractor with less than 4 stars in the star-rating system, you must indicate the reason (using the prompts) or enter a comment to activate the Save option. If the rating is equal to or higher than 4, it is not necessary to do so.

  • When evaluating an order, you can indicate the payment status: paid on time, paid late, not paid.
  • You have 120 days from the date of unloading to evaluate the payment status.

If you want to learn more about Payment statuses - go to this article

Evaluation in the Orders module

  • Select the Orders module from the left-hand side menu
  • In the Sent tab, find the order you want to evaluate
  • In a new window, there will appear the order with the option to add a rating along with the time remaining for evaluation.

Evaluation of the contractor upon delivery of the service increases the security of transactions concluded on the Load and vehicle exchange.

You can positively rate many transactions at once. Mark the selected freight and click Rate positively.

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