Dock Scheduler - Daily status widget

Updated 4 months ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

This function is available to users of the Platform and Dock Scheduler product with access to the Schedules module.

Learn more about the Dashboard and widgets module.

Basic information about the widget

Add the Dock Scheduler - daily status widget to your Dashboard to check booking status on a specific day.

Dock Scheduler - daily status:

  • belongs to widgets from the Schedules category,
  • presents data based on all bookings on a given day, regardless of their status,
  • shows data for all and selected warehouses,
  • presents data in real time,
  • can be added to the Dashboard more than once.

Widget navigation

The main elements of the Dock Scheduler - daily status widget are:

  1. The pie chart showing daily activity - the number of all bookings on a given day.

The legend inside the chart informing about the number and percentage of tasks. Visually, the legend is connected to the outer circle.

The outer, multi-colored circle corresponds to the task categories:

  • "To do" bookings - marked blue,
  • "In progress" bookings marked orange,
  • "Completed" bookings marked green.

The "To do", "In progress", "Completed" sections are divided into bookings according to status. And so, in the section:

  • "To do" - you will find a distinction between preliminary and confirmed (finished) bookings - marked light and dark blue,
  • "In progress" - bookings with confirmed arrival, bookings in progress (start of operation - loading or unloading) - marked orange and red
  • "Completed" - bookings with confirmed completion of the operation and the vehicle leaving the warehouse area (departure) - marked light and dark green.

Each of these parts is marked with an appropriate number and color.

All bookings are shown on the chart in accordance with the subsequent stages of the booking process.
  1. The Refresh option allows you to update the data displayed on the widget.
  2. The name of the warehouse for which the data is displayed.
  3. Arrow - upon clicking on it, a window with additional filters will appear.
  • Warehouse - you can display results for all your warehouses or a specific one, just select it from the drop-down list.
  • Dock - if you choose the view of all warehouses, the dock option will not be active. You can select docks from the list when you choose a specific warehouse.
  • Status type - you can choose from positive status (preliminary bookings, confirmed bookings, arrivals, operations in progress, operation completed, departures) and negative status (unloaded, no vehicle, refusal)
  • Only delayed - after checking the checkbox, the widget will provide data only for bookings with the delayed status.

How to analyze data?

  1. To facilitate data analysis, you can add the widget more than once (up to 9 times).
You can learn how to add a widget to the Dashboard in the article Widgets - basic information.

In the above example, you can see that the user has added the Dock Scheduler - daily status widget to their Dashboard 4 times, selecting different filters for each of them:

  1. View of bookings with a positive status for all warehouses,
  2. View of only delayed bookings for a specific warehouse and dock,
  3. View of bookings with a negative status for all warehouses,
  4. View of bookings for a specific warehouse and all docks.

To make the data in the chart even more readable, when you hover your mouse over the chart, a tooltip appears with the status, number of bookings in a given status, number of warehouses and docks.

Dock Scheduler - daily status widget provides information on progress and allows you to effectively monitor operations in your warehouses and plan daily tasks.

Clear visualization will make it easier for you to identify areas that require your attention. You can see how many tasks you need to handle, and in case of errors or delays, you can react immediately.

If you add all widgets from the Schedules category to your Dashboard, you will get a full picture of how your warehouses are operating.

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