Negative ratings issued

Updated 1 month ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

This function is available to users of the Platform (TFF product line) and CargoON.

Learn more about the Dashboard Module and widgets.

Basic information about the widget

Add the Negative ratings issued widget to your Dashboard to quickly find a list of contractors who have received a negative rating from your company.

Negative ratings issued widget:

  • belongs to the Ratings category of widgets,
  • is dedicated to clients and contractors,
  • presents data collected on the basis of negative ratings issued over the last 30 days.

This is data collected in the Ratings and References module on the Platform. The widget:

  • presents data for the entire company and the user,
  • shows historical data,
  • can be added to your Dashboard more than once (up to 9 times)

Widget navigation

The main elements of the Negative ratings issued widget are:

  1. A list of contractors who received a negative rating. The list is presented in the form of a table with the following columns:
  • Name of the company that received a rating.
  • Number of negative ratings, displayed according to the selected filter (data in this column is sorted descending - with the highest/newest value on top).
The way the number is displayed varies depending on the settings you select in the Role filter.
If you select Client, you will see the total number of ratings. As a Contractor, next to the total number, you will see information about the number of ratings issued to the client as part of the payment assessment divided into:
-  negative ratings but paid on time (green)
- ratings marked "delayed payments" (yellow),
- ratings marked "payment issues" (red).

Example: The first company on the list received a total of 55 negative ratings, with 2 marked "delayed payments" and 10 "payment issues". 16 of them were paid on time.
  • Date added is the last date the rating was added or refreshed (data in this column is also sorted descending).
  1. Status as of - date the data source was refreshed.
  2. Filters - after clicking the blue arrow you will see a window with filters
  • View (User, Company) - choose whether you want to display ratings of the entire company or ratings issued by the user.
  • Role (Shipper, Carrier) - you can specify your role in the transaction.
  • Rating (1 star, 1-2 stars, 1-3 stars, 1-4 stars, 1-5 stars)
Transactions concluded on the platform and accepted freights are rated. The rating is given on a 5-point scale using stars. 1 star is an unsatisfactory rating, 5 stars means a very good rating.

Since a negative rating can mean something else to each user, you can use ranges in the widget filters.
  • Display - specify what type of ratings you want to display.
    • All ratings - ratings will be displayed according to the selection in the "Rating" filter.
    • Delayed payments - only ratings marked as delayed payments will be displayed.
    • Payment issues - only ratings marked as payment issues will be displayed.
    • Delays and payment issues - only ratings marked as delayed payments and payment issues will be displayed.
  • Status - filters concern the status of your contractors.
    • All - all contractors who have received a rating will be displayed on the list.
    • Blocked only - contractors with suspended cooperation.
    • Exclude blocked - all contractors who have received a rating and with whom you cooperate.
    A blocked contractor is additionally marked with a red icon.

How to analyze data

  1. To make data analysis easier, add the widget twice (you can add the widget up to 9 times).
You can learn how to add a widget to the Dashboard in the article Widgets - basic information.
  1. Set the user view on one widget, and the company view on the other.
  1. Click on the blue arrow and set the other filters that interest you.
You can add the Negative ratings issued widget up to 9 times, so you can compare several data ranges.


The user wants to publish a new offer. They want to choose a carrier with whom they have already cooperated, but they want to be sure that the offer will go to a company that has no payment issues.

The user adds the Negative ratings issued widget to their Dashboard 4 times.

  1. They set a user view to display a list of contractors to whom they issued a negative rating. In the filter settings, the user additionally selects those ratings in which payment delays and payment issues occurred. The user considers those in the range 1-3 as negative (widget no. 1).
  2. The user configures the view at the company level to have insight into the list of contractors who received negative ratings from the user’s co-workers (widget no. 2). The remaining filter settings are the same as in widget no. 1.
  3. The user sets the user view and the filters All ratings and Blocked only (widget no. 3).
  4. The user sets the company view for all negative ratings and blocked contractors (widget no. 4).

By comparing this data, the user can check whether the contractor who responded to their offer received negative ratings, had delays or other payment issues.

The Negative ratings issued widget helps:

  • monitor contractors based on negative ratings, so you can avoid working with a company that does not meet payment deadlines,
  • quickly verify information by configuring various views and settings in filters,
  • increase transaction security by avoiding accepting offers from a carrier that has payment issues, which affects the financial stability of the company.

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