Negotiations and acceptance of offers in the Messenger by the Carrier

Updated 3 months ago by Małgorzata

Who can use this function?

Function available to users of the product line for carriers (TFC - Trans for Carriers) and freight forwarders (TFF - Trans for Forwarders).

From this article you will learn:

  • how to propose and negotiate a rate
  • about possible responses of the orderer to your offer
  • how to accept, reject or withdraw an offer

To send a rate proposal, negotiate or accept an offer in the Messenger - go to the Search loads module. In the offer table, click on the icon with the bubble symbol next to a particular offer to open the messenger window.

How to propose a rate

In the messenger:

  1. Click on the green "Propose a rate" button.
  2. Enter the amount for which you are willing to provide the transport service, then click "Send".
Here you can also change the currency in which you would like to pay for providing the transport service.
  1. Your submitted offer is awaiting acceptance.

Note: during this time other people from your company can also negotiate this offer - click the clock icon with the counter to check other negotiations.

The offer you are negotiating is moved to the Under negotiation and watched tab in the Search loads module.

How can the orderer respond

You will see information about the decision as a notification as well as in the conversation window, where the relevant message will be displayed. After receiving your offer, the orderer has the following options:

  • accept the offer submitted by you

Information about the acceptance of your offer will be shown in the messenger.

If your offer or the offer of another person from your company has been accepted, you will find it under the Accepted tab of the Search loads module.

You can return to the negotiation history at any time by simply clicking on the clock icon with the counter.

  • negotiate the offer submitted by you

In the messenger you will get a message about a new price offer.

  • reject your offer

A message in the messenger will show that this price offer has been rejected. Both parties can resume negotiations.

There will be no possibility of making another offer if the orderer:
- terminates negotiations with you,
- chooses the offer of another carrier,
- ends the publication of the offer.

If the negotiations are not successful - the offer goes to the Archive tab in the Search loads module.

How to accept an offer

Click the Accept button to agree to the orderer's offer.

When you accept the rate, the orderer can accept it, reject it or continue to negotiate the price.

If the orderer accepts your offer, you will see the following message:

How to reject an offer

Click the Reject button to decline the offer made by the orderer.

Rejection of the offer does not mean the definitive end of negotiations, but simply a rejection of that particular price offer. Both parties can resume negotiations.

How to negotiate an offer

Click on the window with the orderer's proposed rate, delete the specified value and enter your price proposal. Click the Send button.

The "Send" option appears only if you change the amount proposed by the interlocutor.

How to withdraw your offer

To change or withdraw an offer you have submitted, click See your offer and then Withdraw offer. You can do this as long as the orderer does not accept the proposal.

After withdrawing your offer, you can submit another one.

Negotiation history

To view the negotiation history, open the messenger in the subject of a conversation about a particular offer and click on the clock icon.

Two sections will be visible:

1. Mine - this is where you will find all your negotiations. Click on the clock icon to see the detailed progress of your negotiations.

2. Other - here you will find the negotiations of other contact persons of your company.

Once the offer is accepted, the agreed terms are publicly available to your company's employees. All the remaining offers submitted by other unsuccessful bidders remain:
- private: for offers published to public and private freight exchanges,
- public: for offers published to groups.

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