How to download an invoice

Updated 1 day ago by Ania

Who can use this function?

Function available to all and CargoON Platform users

From this article you will learn:

  • where you can find invoices
  • how to download invoices from Group
  • how to pay invoices

Download invoices for access to the Platform

To view invoices, follow the steps below on the Platform:

  1. Click on the avatar with the photo/initials in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Select Billing and invoices from the list.

  1. Select the Invoices from tab to view the list of invoices.
  1. Invoices can be downloaded in two ways:
  • in the invoice line, click on the three dots icon to see the Download option

  • after clicking on the selected line, a window with invoice details will appear on the right-hand side - the Download option is available there.

Pay invoices for access to the Platform

To pay an invoice, follow the steps below on the Platform:

  1. Click on the avatar with the photo/initials in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Select Billing and invoices from the list.

  1. Select the Invoices from tab to view the list of invoices.
  1. The Pay option can be found in two ways:
  • click on the three dots icon in the invoice line, there will appear the option Pay that is available for invoices in the Unpaid status

  • when you click on the invoice line with the Unpaid status, a window with invoice details appears on the right-hand side with the Pay online option is available there

  1. When you select Pay online, you will see a window with a fast payment option or a window with the option to pay by card - it depends on the availability of services in your country.
  2. Once the payment has been made and the funds have been credited to your account, the invoice status will change to Paid.

  1. You can also pay your invoices by traditional bank transfer.

Restoring access to the Platform

Access can only be restored based on a recorded payment.

In order to speed up the time of recording funds, we encourage you to use the quick payment option, if available on the Platform in the Billing and invoices tab.

We cannot restore access based on the provided payment confirmation.

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