Booking manual for the Storekeeper

Updated 3 months ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

Function available to users of the CargoON product line who have access to the Dock Scheduler module, with the Storekeeper role assigned.

The instructions below focus on the most important functions for users with the Storekeeper role. You will learn the following:

  • how to find the right warehouse
  • how to find a booking
  • how to change the status of a booking
  • what the booking statuses are
As a user with the Storekeeper role you can:
- view the schedule of shared warehouses,
- search the available bookings,
- change the status of a booking.

How to find the right warehouse?

To check availability of the handled warehouse:

  1. Select the Dock Scheduler module.

  1. Expand the list of handled warehouses and select the one on which you want to carry out the operation. Only the warehouses which you have access to will appear on the list.

You can browse several handled warehouses at the same time by duplicating the browser screen window.

Right-click on the browser tab > select duplicate

How to change the view of the list of bookings?

In the Dock Scheduler module, click the Change view button and select one of the following views:

  • Booking schedule
  • Booking list
  • Time slots

How to find a booking if I only know the vehicle registration number?

If you want to find a booking knowing only a vehicle registration number, enter the number into the search engine located in the upper part of the window. The search result list will show the booking you are looking for.

How to search for bookings effectively?

The search for bookings can be performed in two ways:

  1. You can use the filters option.
    Click on the filters button > in the window enter the parameter by which you want to find a given booking. You can find the booking by entering e.g.: Date, Time, Booking status > Click on Show results.
  1. You can use quick filtering by status of the booking.

Click on the chosen status > the booking in the specified status will be displayed.

You can select more than one status at a time.

How to change the status of a booking?

  1. Click on the booking you want to handle.

  1. You can change the status in the booking details.
The storekeeper confirms the start and completion of the unloading/loading operation.

Description of booking statuses

A booking may have one of the following statuses:

Pre-booking - The user has confirmed the time of the operation but has not completed the vehicle and driver data.

Confirmed - After entering the vehicle and driver data, the status changes automatically.

Waiting - Once the security guard has confirmed the arrival in the system.

Loading in progress - The warehouse starts the loading or unloading process. You indicate it in the system.

Unloading in progress - The warehouse starts the loading or unloading process. You indicate it in the system.

Loaded - Once the storekeeper has clicked Finish loading, the status changes to Loaded.

Unloaded - Once the storekeeper has clicked Finish unloading, the status changes to Unloaded.

Departure - The security guard confirms the departure of the vehicle in the system ("Confirm departure").

Not loaded - The automatic status counts the vehicles that have not been loaded at the end of the working day.

Not unloaded - The automatic status counts the vehicles that have not been unloaded at the end of the working day.

Refusal to load - Status assigned manually by the security or warehouse staff.

No vehicle - Vehicle did not arrive in the warehouse, automatic status updated at the end of the day.

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