Alerts before entering into cooperation

Updated 1 month ago by Jakub

Who can use this function?

  • Function available to all users of Platform and CargoON.

From this article you will learn about the types of alerts before entering into cooperation.

Types of alerts before entering into cooperation

For your safety, we generate alerts that can help you decide whether to work with a particular company.

When sending a price proposal for a freight - both through the exchange drawer and the Received tab of the FREIGHTS module - you may come across these messages:

  • If there have been payment issues in the last 30 days on the account of the company that you want to work with.

  • If the company you want to work with has a low TransRisk index.

  • If the company you want to work with is present on the TransCash Debt Exchange.

The above alerts can be displayed to all of your employees who try to conclude a transaction with a particular company by sending their price offer.

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