On Time In Full (OTIF) report

Updated 7 months ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

Function available to CargoON and Trans for Forwarders users who have purchased the supplementary product: BI reports.

The reports are visible to selected users specified by the company that requests access.

Learn more about the BI reports.

Based on data from the OTIF report you can:

  • verify that carriers deliver on time,
  • check the quality of transport services provided by carriers,
  • identify areas where transport problems arise and determine whether they are caused by delays or the poor quality of the transport service,
  • obtain information on the quality of the transport service to help you negotiate rates with the carrier (information on both delays and good service delivery can affect negotiations),
  • decide whether it is more beneficial to hire several carriers to improve the quality of your transport services,
  • analyse the effectiveness of the changes made (e.g. whether the number of on-time deliveries is increasing or decreasing).

Click on the BI reports module and then on the OTIF tab to access the On Time In Full report.

The report consists of 7 main sections:

  1. Tiles with key performance indicators (KPI) - showing company-wide data.
  2. Accepted delay - parameter specifying the number of minutes of delay accepted by the carrier.
  3. Customer (unloading place) list - presenting KPI data split by customer location.
  4. Percentage of orders - ring chart showing the number of orders completed on time, delayed and with notes on service quality.
  5. Number of orders within the delay time range - bar chart presenting the number of delays within the specified time range.
  6. Number of orders over time - bar chart showing KPI data by month.
  7. Details list - a detailed view of the orders in the context of the carrier who executed the given order.

The OTIF report belongs to the Orders report group and uses data extracted from orders.
This data refers to the time recorded manually for the various statuses of transport orders.

If there are differences in times for the same statuses between the data from the ordering party and the contractor, the report will include the information from the orderer.

The OTIF report records only orders that were addressed to a subcontractor via the Trans.eu Platform. If an order was accepted manually or automatically (via accepted freight) and was not addressed to a subcontractor through the Platform process, it will not be included in the report.

Key Performance Indicators

The bar in the main part of the report contains tiles with key performance indicators (KPI), which show company-wide data. The data is not split into specific directions or carriers unless you use the filtering option (mentioned later in the article).

The OTIF report features the following KPIs:

  • Total orders - number of all orders sent and confirmed by carriers.
  • On Time In Full (OTIF) - number of orders completed on time and without any reservations about the quality of the transport service.
  • On Time (OT) - number of orders delivered on time.
  • In Full (IF) - number of orders delivered without any reservations about the transport, i.e. without any complaints.
  • Not On Time (Not OT) - number of delayed orders.
  • Not In Full (Not IF) - number of orders with reservations (e.g. regarding order completion).
  • Not On Time & Not In Full (Not OT & Not IF) - number of orders in which both a delay and reservations about the quality of the transport service provided were recorded.

If you hover the mouse cursor over a particular KPI, a pop-up window will appear with an explanation of what the KPI relates to. The charts illustrate the trend - the number of orders in particular months.

Accepted delay [min]

This is the most important parameter in the report. It allows you to set the time (in minutes) that will be an acceptable delay limit for the carriers.

When a value is entered (e.g. 15 minutes), the data from the remaining parts of the report will be adjusted to it.

If you set the maximum acceptable delay time to 20 minutes and the carrier arrives 10 minutes late, the report will consider the order to have been completed on time (OT) and will not treat it as delayed.

Customer (unloading place) list

The list presents the data from the top section of the report (KPI), but this time split by individual unloading places, which are the seat of the customers.

Each column in the table corresponds to a particular tile from the KPI section.

When you click on the row with the chosen unloading place, the remaining data in the report will be filtered to show data for the selected place only.

Percentage of orders

The ring chart presents the number of orders that:

  • were completed on time and without reservations (OTIF),
  • included reservations regarding punctuality and quality of transport services (Not OT & Not IF),
  • included reservations about punctuality only (IF & Not OT).

Number of orders within the delay time range

A bar chart showing the number of delayed orders over a specified time period.

The time interval is set using the Time interval parameter.

Number of orders over time

The bar chart presents the data from the top section of the report (KPI) for each month.

  • Not OT & Not IF orders (i.e. delayed and with reservations on transport) are marked in red,
  • IF & Not OT orders (i.e. with no reservations on transport quality but delayed) are marked in grey,
  • OTIF orders (i.e. on time and without reservations) are marked in dark blue.

When clicking on a selected part of the bar, the remaining sections of the report will adjust showing specific data (e.g. orders from February 2023 with reservations about punctuality).


A detailed view showing which order has been accepted by a particular carrier. It includes:

  • order number,
  • loading place,
  • unloading place,
  • scheduled loading date,
  • scheduled unloading date,
  • confirmed unloading date (manually accepted status on the Trans.eu platform),
  • information whether the order was completed on time (OT),
  • information whether reservations were recorded for the order (IF).

When clicking on a given order, the remaining sections of the report will adjust showing the details of the selected order.


This is the part of the report where you can see the claims made against orders. To go to the claims preview, click on the red triangle sign on the right-hand side of the report.

Besides the text of the claim, there is the carrier's name, the order number and information on who made the claim.


The data can be filtered in 5 ways:

  1. Click on the given unloading place in the Customer (unloading place) list.
  2. Click on the number of orders in the Percentage of orders chart.
  3. Click on the chosen part of the chart in the Number of orders over time section.
  4. Click on the carrier in the Details section.
  5. Set the relevant filters in the filter menu.

Click on the filter symbol in the right column to open the filtering settings of the OTIF report.

In the filtering settings you can:

  • select an unloading date (Unloading date),
  • select a carrier (Carrier),
  • select a loading place (Loading Place),
  • select an unloading place (Unloading Place),
  • select filtering by directions (Directions),
  • add a freight number (Freight number),
  • add an order number (Order number).

Data export

Report data can be exported to external files (Excel or CSV).

To do so, click on Export data.

The data export is divided into individual parts of the report. You can select a particular section of the report to download. The names of the files that can be downloaded correspond to the names of the sections in the report.

Select the part of the report you want, choose the format and click Download.

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