Address book

Updated 3 months ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

Function available to users of the TFF (Trans for Forwarders), TFC (Trans for Carriers) and CargoOn product lines.

From this article you will learn how to:

  • add new addresses to the Suggestions book,
  • edit the added addresses,
  • set default loading and unloading addresses.

The address book allows you to easily manage your company's addresses and use its shared list of addresses. Therefore, you don't have to fill in recurring addresses every time:

  • address data is completed based on the address stored in the address book,
  • the search engine helps you quickly access your saved addresses,
  • the address book points to the default address for the Shipper's operation,
  • in the CargoON product line, you can use the quick access list for home addresses.

Addresses stored in the address book will save the time previously spent on entering recurring loading and unloading places or customs clearance points while publishing freight offers or adding transport orders. 

The suggestions book is managed and shared by all users of the same company account.

Manage addresses in your address book

Access to the address book and the possibility of managing shared addresses (add, edit, delete) is available to all users regardless of their account type or supplementary products.

  1. To access the address book, click on your avatar and select My company.
  1. In the Suggestions book tab, you can add addresses, including those of your contractors as well as loading and unloading places.
    By default, the list of addresses is sorted alphabetically, then by the popularity of the addresses used.
The CargoON line also has the function of setting addresses as home addresses - marked with a house icon. These are addresses that belong to your company. You can enter up to 10 such "favourite" addresses in your address book.
Only users with the Administrator account type have the right to assign and manage the default loading or unloading addresses.

  1. Click the Create new address button.
  1. Use the form to fill in the fields marked with an asterisk. If you want to save the address as a home address, tick the checkbox. Click on Save changes. The address you entered is saved in the address book.

  1. The added addresses can be modified. Click the 3-dot icon to perform one of the following actions on the selected address:
  • set as default loading address,
  • set as default unloading address,
  • edit,
  • delete (warehouses are an exception, as you can only delete them in the Schedules module).

Addresses set as default loading and unloading addresses are selected as starting addresses in the window for adding orders and freights.
CargoOn line user can additionally set a chosen address as a home address.

Integration of address book with publication of freights and orders

Let's take freight publishing as an example to see how the address book can be used.

  1. Click the Add freight button.
  1. Addresses that are set as default loading/unloading addresses in your address book automatically appear in the form.

They can be edited by expanding the address details.

You can search for the right address by name or location.

In the TFF product line, when you click on the address field, the last 5 locations selected are displayed. These are followed by addresses arranged alphabetically.
In the CargoOn product line, when you click on the address field, the last 5 locations selected are displayed, followed by home addresses and then by other saved addresses arranged alphabetically.

  1. Again, you can add an address to the address book using the checkbox.

The newly added address can be found in your suggestions book:

  1. It is also possible to add addresses to the address book for multistop freights. Click on Add next location, fill in the mandatory fields in the form, tick the Add address to the address book checkbox.

Suggestions book for the Dock Scheduler module

The suggestions book also contains addresses of warehouses, which you can use to quickly complete the address data for the loading or unloading operation point, when publishing a freight.

The selected warehouse can be set in the address book as the default loading or unloading address.

  1. Under the Schedules tab, click on More, then select Warehouse settings to edit its data.

  1. Click on Warehouse data and then Edit.

  1. Apply the changes in the new window and click Save.

The applied changes are automatically saved in the suggestions book.

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