Dock management in the warehouse

Updated 6 months ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

The function is available to users of the CargoON product line who have purchased Dock Scheduler and Schedules module.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to add a dock to the warehouse
  • where to view and edit existing docks
  • how to switch the dock view
  • how to lock, disable or delete a dock

Creating new docks in the warehouse

  1. A new dock can be added in the Schedules module.
  1. To add a new dock, click the Add dock button or the More button, and then select the Add dock option.

  1. Fill in the required data (quantity, dock type, operation type and name).

If your warehouse only supports one type of operation (loading or unloading), adding a new dock means that you will only be able to perform the same type of operations as in the warehouse.
  1. To create additional docks with different settings, click the Add next dock button. When you finish adding docks in the warehouse, click the Next button.

  1. Set Dock work time schedule.
    You can choose the same operating mode as for the warehouse or set an individual one for each dock.
    After selecting an individual operating mode, you can define:
    • Operating hours - they can be set the same for every day or adjusted to a specific day of the week. You can also specify on which days the dock will be open.
    • Break hours - you can choose between no breaks, setting the same ones for each day or varying them depending on a specific day of the week.

After setting the mode, operating hours and breaks, click Save.

  1. The added docks will be displayed as separate columns in the warehouse schedule (1). To change the schedule view, click the right or left arrow (2).
    Under the arrow (3) next to the dock name, you will find a window with settings.

Changing dock settings

  1. Go to the dock settings by clicking on the arrow next to the name of the chosen dock and selecting Dock settings.

  1. In the settings window, you can edit the dock availability, time changes or regular operating time.

Editing the working time of the dock

If you want to choose different time settings for a dock - go to the Dock settings and select the Time changes or Regular operating time tab.

  1. Under the Time changes tab, you can set different operating hours for the dock on specific dates - e.g. for holiday or festive periods. Make changes and click Save.

  1. If you want to change working hours of the dock, select the tab Regular operating time tab.

Click the Edit button.

Make changes, then click Save.

If you want to view all docks available in the warehouse, in the Schedules module, click More and select Warehouse settings. Open the Docks tab. You will see a list of all available docks. Click Edit to make changes to the selected dock.

Warehouse occupancy

For each of the ramps you can display information about their occupancy and the available time.

  1. Enable the Show ramps availability option, which can be found in the Warehouse availability section below the calendar.
  1. Additional information is displayed next to each ramp:
  • Bookings (circle icon): bookings created from the time slot and directly by the shipper. Here you will find information about the number of bookings and their total time.
  • Total time available (Σ, sigma - sum symbol): this is the sum of the available time in all ramps. Disabled and blocked ramps are not taken into account in the calculations.

If you want to disable it for all ramps, turn off the Show ramps availability option. If you want to turn off the information only for a selected ramp, click on the arrow icon.

Availability, disabling and deleting docks

Managing the availability of a dock works in the same way as for the entire warehouse. If you decide to restrict access to the dock, choose one of the following options:

Locking a dock - no further time slots can be added to the dock and no bookings can be made. Users see a message that the dock is locked.

Disabling a dock - has the same effect as locking, but additionally the dock is not visible to carriers.

Deleting a dock - results in the irretrievable loss of the dock together with the history of time slots and bookings.

You can disable or delete docks only if you do not have any currently scheduled bookings or time slots on them.
  1. Go to the Dock settings by clicking on the arrow next to the dock name.

  1. If you want to lock, disable or delete the dock - click the appropriate button and confirm your decision.
  1. You can unlock or enable the dock at any time.

If you delete a dock, you lose it irretrievably together with the information it contains (time slots, bookings).

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