The freight archive

Updated 2 weeks ago by Jakub

Moving freights to Archive allows you to keep order in your main freight list.  Freights marked as archived will go into a separate tab and their list can still be viewed. The list is available to all users having access to the Freights module.

Automated archiving of freights

Freight offers for which a loading date has expired are automatically moved to archive, the process begins after midnight on the day following the loading date.
  1. Sent freights will automatically go to archive depending on their status:
  • accepted - immediately after acceptance of freight
  • ended after publication - when no one submitted a freight offer or when there has been at least one offer from a carrier but the publisher of the freight has not chosen any
  • ended no offer received - when a carrier rejected an offer
  • ended publication cancelled - when the publisher cancelled/terminated the publication of a freight

  1. Received freights will automatically go to archive depending on their status:
  • accepted - after acceptance of a freight offer when the unloading date has passed
  • ended - when freight offers are not accepted by the publisher immediately after completion of publication or rejection
  • rejected - by the carrier immediately after rejection of a freight offer

Manual archiving of freights is possible for the following offers:

  • sent, with completed publication, with "Select carrier" status (but only when publication of the offer has ended)
  • received, which have been accepted

How do I archive a freight manually?

  1. In the freight list:
  • hover the mouse over a given freight
  • additional options are available on the right next to the publication date column
  • select Archive, the freight will be immediately moved to the Archive tab

  1. In the details of the freight offer:
  • click on a given freight
  • select More and then Archive, the freight will be immediately moved to the Archive tab

Searching for archived freights

The list of archived freights is divided into sent and received freights. For each of them you have different options to search and browse the offers.

  1. Using the search engine

It allows you to search for information by loading place, unloading place, name of the person responsible or the freight number.

  1. Searching by filters

Filtering the list will help you find specific and more precise information. 

  • click on Filters
  • select search criteria 
  • click on Show results 

Searching for sent freights by result of publication to the Contractor

  • accepted - when the freight offer was accepted by the carrier
  • interrupted publication - when the person publishing the freight offer cancels it or interrupts its publication
  • no offer selected - when the publisher received at least one offer from a carrier but did not choose any
  • no offers - when no one has made an offer for the freight

Searching for received freights by negotiation result:

  • accepted - when the freight offer has been accepted
  • closed - when no one has made an offer for the freight
  • rejected - when the freight offer has been rejected

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