Direct offers - Carrier

Updated 4 months ago by Małgorzata

Who can use this function?

The function is available to users of the forwarding product line carriers (TFC - Trans for Carriers) and CargoON.

You can receive a direct offer from the contractor who cooperates with you and wants to send the freight to you first before publishing it on any exchange.

Notifications about direct offers

You will learn about the new direct offer thanks to notifications on the platform.

In the following places you will see a number of new offers that you have received:

  1. For Me tab will be highlighted in yellow. After clicking on it, a list of direct offers will open.

  1. Message on the messenger - a number will appear next to the bubble icon. After clicking on it and then selecting the latest message, you will see an open chat window with a direct offer.

  1. Notifications - you will see a number next to the bell icon. After clicking on it and then selecting the latest notification, you will see the details of the offer.
You will also see the message about the new direct offer in your e-mail inbox.

Changing notification settings about direct offers

You can decide how you want to be informed about a direct offer. If you want to change your notification settings:

  1. Click the bell icon and go to Settings.

  1. You will see your settings. Scroll down and click on the Exchange module. The notification options will expand. Here you can turn off notifications you do not want to receive.

Search for direct offers

You can find direct offers:

  • Using the For me tab

To see direct offers, click the For me tab. You will see a list of direct offers marked with a tag DIRECT OFFER.

  • Using the DIRECT OFFER label

You can quickly create a new tab where you will only see direct offers.

  1. Click on the DIRECT OFFER label on the list of offers.

  1. A new tab will be created with the parameter: source of freight offers: direct offers.

  • By setting new parameters
  1. To search for direct offers, create a new tab by clicking Add +.

  1. Set the filters, click More filters and in the Freight offer sources section, select Direct offers. Click Search.

  1. In the list you will see offers that meet your criteria as well as the source of the freight: Direct offers.

Negotiating direct offers

You can negotiate a direct offer by sending your rate proposal to the contractor. To do this:

  1. Open the chat window with the contractor.

  1. Click Propose a rate.
  2. Enter your rate proposal and send the offer.
  3. Wait for the contractor's response.
The negotiated direct offer can be found in the Search loads module, in the Under negotiation and watched tab

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