Active offers widget

Updated 6 months ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

The function is available to users of the Platform (TFF - Trans for Forwarders product line) and CargoON.

Learn more about the Dashboard and widgets module.

Basic information about the widget

Add the Active offers widget to your Dashboard if you want to find out which of your employees have active offers.

Active offers widget:

  • belongs to widgets from the Freights category,
  • is addressed to contractors,
  • presents data collected on the basis of freights published on the freight exchange (those that have not been completed or canceled)
  • shows data for the person publishing and negotiating the offer,
  • displays data in real time,
  • can be added to your Dashboard only once.

Widget navigation

The widget presents a list of employees with the number of offers they have published.

The main elements of the Active offers widget are:

  1. Chart - on a list you can see the name and surname of the person publishing and negotiating the freight, the number of published freights broken down into different status types (you can select them in the filters) and the date and time of the last update.
  2. Legend - is closely related to the type of data you choose to display using filters. Depending on the way you want the data to be shown (Time since offer publication, Negotiation status, Publication type), the legend will be adjusted.
  3. Filters - after clicking the blue arrow, a window with filters appears.

In the filter settings you can choose:

  • Presenting: you can filter active offers by the time since publication (less than 1 hour, up to 1 to 4 hours, over 4 hours), negotiation status (waiting for offers, carrier selection, negotiation type (public exchange, Private Exchange - including Branded Private Exchange, companies, contacts, fixed routes).
  • View as: publisher or negotiator (the main negotiator).
At the bottom of the filter tab there is an icon that helps you determine which view you are analyzing data for: the arrow is the publisher, the bubble icon is the negotiator.
  • Sorting: descending or ascending.
  • Number of items displayed in the chart (5, 7 or 10).
  1. The Refresh option allows you to update the data displayed on the widget.

How to analyze data

  1. Add the widget to the Dashboard.
You can learn how to add a widget to the Dashboard in the article Widgets - basic information.
  1. Click on the blue arrow and select filter settings.
Filters View as and Sorting allow you to display the most and least busy employees.

Example 1

Selected filters: presenting - publication type, view as publisher.

In total, there are 13 active offers.

The first employee posted 5 freights, 3 of which to the public exchange, 1 to the company and 1 to fixed routes.

The second employee published 8 offers - 6 to selected companies and 2 to the public exchange.

You can hover over a selected part of the chart to see the displayed data.

Based on this chart, you can determine which of your employees has the most publications and what type they are.

Example 2

Selected filters: presenting - negotiation status, view as negotiator.

Of the 12 active offers, 9 are waiting for offers. For the employee number 1 there are 5 such offers.

Employee number 2 is negotiating 7 offers and for 3 of them the employee is selecting the carrier.

You can see employees negotiating and how many publications remain without offers from carriers.

Now you can see when the employees published offers.

Example 3

Selected filters: presenting - time since publication, view as negotiator.

You can see that for 10 offers the publication time is more than 4 hours. Two offers were published in the range from 1 to 4 hours.

This view shows employee activity and information on how long the company's offers are waiting for acceptance.

The Active offers widget makes it easier to monitor employee activity. This allows you to quickly identify employees the most involved in the sales or negotiation process. Based on this information, you can identify employees that have too many tasks and the ones that can be entrusted with more tasks.

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