Dock Scheduler - Delay types widget

Updated 4 weeks ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

This function is available to all users of the Platform and CargoON.

Learn more about the Dashboard and widgets module.

Basic information about the widget

Add the DS - Delay types widget to your Dashboard to learn when the biggest delays occurred in warehouse and dock operations. The widget will help you identify whether these delays are caused by carriers or your warehouse.

DS Delay types widget:

  • belongs to widgets from the Schedules category,
  • is addressed to contractors,
  • presents data collected on the basis of all delays of the accepted and successfully completed bookings,
  • presents data for the entire company,
  • shows historical data,
  • can be added to your Dashboard many times (up to 9 times).

Widget navigation

The main elements of the DS Delay types widget are

  1. Filters - they allow you to specify the type of data displayed. To open the filters, click on the blue arrow.

You can sort the data using filters:

  • Delay type - this is the basic filter. From the drop-down list, you can choose whether you want to display delays caused by the carrier or the warehouse.
  • Value - average or sum - the filter determines how values ​​are calculated for given days.
  • Range - the period from which the data is fetched - you can choose whether it should be a period of 1, 2, 3, or 4 weeks.
  • Warehouse - from the list, select the name of the specific warehouse for which you want to see data. You can also select all warehouses.
  • Dock - active only when selecting a specific warehouse. Once you specify the warehouse for which you want to analyze data, you can select a specific dock from the list or select all docks in that warehouse.
  1. Information for which warehouse the data are shown. Here you can see the name of the warehouse selected in the filters or a remark: All warehouses (this is the default filter setting).
  2. The date range for which data are shown - you can specify it in the filters. By default, data is shown for 1 (last) week.
  3. A chart presenting delays (caused by the carrier or warehouse) on specific days and hours.
Delays are marked with rectangles with icons. You can recognize the type of delay presented by the type of icon:
- truck icon - delays caused by the carrier,
- forklift icon - delays caused by the warehouse.

The color of the rectangles corresponds to the average delay time:
- gray - indicates a small delay from 0 to 19 minutes,
- orange -  indicates a medium delay from 20 to 59 minutes,
- red - indicates a long delay exceeding 60 minutes.

How to analyze data

  1. To facilitate data analysis, add the widget twice (you can add the widget up to  9 times).
You can learn how to add a widget to the Dashboard in the article Widgets - basic information.
  1. On selected widgets, click the blue arrow to open filtering options. Then select the parameters you are interested in.


Widget 1 displays delays caused by the warehouse, while widget 2 displays delays caused by the carrier. The remaining filters for both widgets are the same:

  • Value - sum,
  • Range - 4 weeks,
  • Warehouse - Praque Furniture,
  • Dock - all (at Praque Furniture).

You can see that in the specified period of time at Praque Furniture the most delays (5) were caused by the carrier, while there was only one delay caused by the warehouse during the same time. Interestingly, 2 of the carrier delays occurred on the same day of the week at the same time and they were small delays (up to 19 minutes).

Hovering over a selected delay will display a tooltip with detailed information.

Operations delayed due to the carrier - the carrier arrived at the warehouse after the booked time slot.

Operations delayed due to the warehouse - the carrier arrived at the warehouse as planned, but the warehouse started loading/unloading with a delay (after the booked time slot).

We do not know the reasons for carrier delays (they may be caused by weather conditions, technical issues, traffic situation, etc.), but it may be worth investigating processes - especially if you do not observe delays in other warehouses at this level.

However, if for example, two large delays occur on the warehouse side on the same day of the week at the same time, this may suggest some recurring problems (e.g. insufficient staffing on that day of the week).

If you add all widgets from the Schedules category to your Dashboard, you will get a full picture of your warehouses' operations.

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