Functions of the Fixed route modules

Updated 8 months ago by Ania

Who can use this function?

  • Clients of the CargoON product line with access to the Fixed routes with carriers module.
  • Clients of product lines for freight forwarders (TFF) and carriers (TFC) with access to the Fixed routes with shippers module.

From this article you will learn:

  • the differences between the Fixed route modules
  • how to navigate the modules
  • how to check the details of a fixed route
Did you know that...
Fixed route is a module of the Platform where shippers and carriers can manage regular cooperation and contracts with trusted contractors

Features of the modules

Fixed routes with carriers

  • create, edit, archive, delete fixed routes
  • send proposals for contract terms to selected carriers
  • add carriers to an existing fixed route
  • suspend cooperation with carriers on fixed routes
  • publish freights to fixed routes
  • negotiate conditions with carriers
  • manage balancing type
  • search and filter fixed routes

Fixed routes with shippers

  • manage the proposals of terms received
  • quote for proposed fixed route
  • negotiate terms with shippers
  • search and filter fixed routes
  • suspend fixed route terms
  • archive fixed routes

The Fixed routes with carriers module is designed for manufacturing and trading companies that have regular transport needs on the same routes and want to manage their cooperation with contractors in one place. It is available to the clients of the product line for shippers - CargoON.

The Fixed routes with shippers module is intended for companies that carry out transport as part of a regular cooperation with a contractor. It is available to the clients of the product lines for freight forwarders and carriers - Trans for Forwarders (TFF) and Trans for Carriers (TFC).

Click on the name of the Fixed routes with carriers module in the main menu.

The module contains:

  1. Active tab with all the fixed routes you have created.
  2. Archive tab, where archived or closed fixed route contracts are moved.
  3. Search box.
  4. Fixed route details.
  5. Button that displays the form for creating a new fixed route.

By clicking on the selected fixed route in the table - you will see detailed information on the terms and progress of negotiations with carriers. This view consists of:

  1. Basic information about the fixed route.
  2. Status of negotiations with carriers.
  3. Choice of balancing type.
  4. List of carriers that have received a proposal for fixed route terms.
  5. Additional functions - creating, editing, archiving, deleting freights.
  6. Option to add another carrier to negotiate a fixed route proposal.

Users of the carrier and forwarder plans have access to the Fixed routes with shippers module, which is tailored to their needs and cooperation with shippers.

Select the Fixed routes with shippers module from the main menu.

The module contains:

  1. Tabs divided according to the status of negotiations with carriers.
  2. Search box and filters.
  3. Fixed route details.

Click on the fixed route in the list to open the detailed view.

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