Accepted freights widget

Updated 5 months ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

This function is available to all users of the Platform and CargoON.

Learn more about the Dashboard and widgets module.

Basic information about the widget

Add the Accepted freights widget to your Dashboard to monitor the acceptance of freights published in the last 30 days and compare this result with the previous 30 days.

Accepted freights widget:

  • belongs to widgets from the Freights category,
  • is dedicated for clients (those users who can publish freights on the exchange),
  • presents data collected on the basis of published, accepted and unaccepted freights over the last 30 days,
  • displays data for the entire company and the user,
  • shows historical data,
  • can be added to your Dashboard more than once.

Widget navigation

The main elements of the widget are:

  1. Main result - the percentage value of accepted freights out of all published ones in the last 30 days.
    Next to the main result, the trend is marked (the green arrow is an uptrend, the red arrow is a downtrend). Below you can find information on how many freights have been accepted and not accepted.
    By default, the widget displays the main result for the user.
  2. Result with a marked trend for the second indicator (company or user).
  3. Information whether the widget presents data for the user or the entire company.
  4. Arrows that allow you to switch the view (user - company).

How to analyze data

  1. To facilitate data analysis, add the widget twice.
You can learn how to add a widget to the Dashboard in the article Widgets - basic information.

Set the user view on one widget and the company view on the other.

The user's view concerns the acceptance of freight published directly by this user. The company view concerns the acceptance of all freights published in the company.

  1. The main result provides you with the percentage of accepted freight publications. The arrow next to the percentage indicates the trend.
    In the example above, you can see that the user has an uptrend (green arrow), which means that in the previous period the result was lower.
    In terms of the entire company, you can observe a downtrend (red arrow), meaning that the result was higher in the previous analyzed period.
    Below the percentage value, you are provided with the total number of published freights.

With this data, you can monitor activity and respond to changing trends, observing the effectiveness of your publications.

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