Company account

Updated 4 weeks ago by Jakub

Who can use this function?

Function available to all users of and CargoON Platform.

Editing a company profile

Only a user with the administrator role can edit information in a company profile.

Your company data can be found in the Company profile tab.

Changes that can be made independently by an employee with the administrator role (without contacting Customer Service):

  • adding/removing/changing the company logo
  • fax number
  • web address
  • number of employees
  • number of branches
  • legal form
  • company structure

To make the above changes, navigate to the User icon > My company > Company profile > Edit company profile.

Blocked changes to the company profile

For the security of our users, making changes to the Company name, Registered office, Company e-mail address and Phone number is only possible by contacting Customer Service.

Contact us by phone (+​44 (0) 203 80 85 086) or e-mail ( when the changes are available in the government database (company register).

Adding documents to the company profile

  1. To add a document, navigate to the User icon > My company > Documents and click Add document.
The size of the document must not exceed 25 MB and 15 pages. The document should be legible, include all pages and bear the official stamp and signature of the authorized person.
  1. Add the document by dragging the file or clicking on Select the file from disk.
  2. Fill in the mandatory data: Document type, Date of issue. Optionally, complete the Document no. and Additional information fields as well.
  3. Once you have completed all the details, click Save.
Your document must be authorized by our Customer Service team. Until then, it will have the Processing status.
If you receive an error while adding a document or a message that the document is too large, please adjust its size. If you are still having problems, please ask our Customer Service team for assistance by sending your document at:
Only a user with the administrator role can add or change a company logo.

To add a logo, navigate to the User icon > My company > Company profile > and click on Edit company profile.

The logo should meet the following requirements:

  • maximum file size - 1 MB
  • format - JPG or PNG
  • maximum pixel size - 200x150 px

Once approved by Customer Service, the logo will be displayed in the company profile.

Change of the product line

To ensure the security of our users, changes to the product plan can only be made by contacting Customer Service. Such authorization will be given to an entitled user or the owner of the company.

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