Company account

Updated 1 day ago by Jakub

Editing a company profile

Only users with the administrator's role can edit information in the company profile.

Changes that can be made by an employee with the administrator's role (without contacting customer service):

  • adding/removing/changing a company logo
  • fax number
  • web address
  • number of employees
  • number of branches
  • legal form
  • company structure
  • product roadmap

To make the above changes, go to:

User icon > My Company > Company profile > Edit company profile

Change of company name

To enter a new company name, please contact our customer service.

You can contact us by phone at 71 734 17 00 or by e-mail at, once the changes are visible in the commercial or trade register.

Change of company address

Only customer service can add a new address to the company profile.

Please contact our customer service by phone at 71 734 17 00 or by e-mail at, once the changes are visible in the commercial or trade register.

Change of company e-mail address

For security reasons, the user is not allowed to edit such data on his/her account.

Please contact our customer service by phone at 71 734 17 00 or by e-mail at

Adding documents to the company profile

  • To add a document, go to My company > Documents > Add document
The document should be no larger than 10 MB, be legible, contain all pages and include the insurer's stamp and signature.
  • Add the document by dragging the file or choosing the Click option

  • You can add more attachments by clicking Add next attachment
  • Fill in the mandatory data: Document type and Date of issue. Optionally, complete the Document no. and Additional information fields

After completing the information, click Save

Your document must be authorized by our customer service team. Until then, it will have the Processing status.
If you receive an error while adding a document or a message that the document is too large, please adjust its size.  If you still have problems, please ask our customer service team for assistance by sending your document at:

Only a user with the administrator's role can add or change a company logo.

To add a logo, go to:

User icon > My Company > Company profile > Edit company profile

Requirements for adding a logo:

  • maximum size - 1 MB
  • format - JPG or PNG
  • maximum size - 200x150 pixels

Once authorized by the customer service team, the logo will be displayed next to your company profile.

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