Providing weights during booking

Updated 7 months ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

This function is available to users of the CargoON product line who have access to Dock Scheduler and the Schedules module.

In this article you will learn:

  • how to add weight (exit weight, entry weight and cargo weight) in the booking template
  • how to handle the booking, for which the weight of the load is an important parameter.

Booking template is a form that the carrier fills during booking. The carrier provides information and parameters that are essential for the shipper. These crucial details can include entry weight, exit weight and load weight. The booking template is assigned to a specific warehouse.

Adding weights to the booking template

  1. In the Schedules module, in the chosen warehouse, click More and Warehouse settings.
  1. Click Warehouse data. In the Bookings template section, select Edit.

  1. Click Add new template under the drop-down list with booking templates.

  1. In the booking template, under the Weights section, you will find checkboxes:
  • Entry and exit weight
  • Cargo weight

Select the relevant type of weights for you. You can also specify whether providing them during booking is mandatory or optional.

After making your selections, click Save booking template.

You can also edit an existing booking template. Click on the avatar, Settings and Schedules tab. Select the template you want to edit from the list and click the 3 dots icon. You can edit the template only when it is not used in the booking.

Providing weights during booking

  • Example 1 - Entry and exit weight, as well as cargo weight, are mandatory

  1. Select the confirmed booking.
  1. The booking details window will open. When the vehicle enters the warehouse area, click Confirm arrival, and then the Fill in weights.

  1. The Fill in weights window opens. Since all are required, all fields are marked with an asterisk.

Enter entry weight and click Save.

  1. The entered value appears in the booking details window. Click Start loading.

  1. After loading, click Fill in weights, enter the remaining values and click Save weights or Save and confirm departure.
After providing entry and exit weight, cargo weight will appear automatically.
If you want to confirm the departure immediately after loading and do not provide the required weights, a window with the weights to be filled in will open. Without providing weights, confirming the departure will not be possible.
  1. After filling in the weights, you will see them in the booking details window in the Weights section.

If you enter an incorrect exit weight (e.g. the booking concerns loading, and the exit weight is lower than the entrance weight), you will receive a notification, and you will not be able to save the weights and confirm the departure.

Even though the cargo weight is calculated automatically, you can change it. If you enter an incorrect value, you can still save the weights and confirm the departure, despite the notification.

Information about discrepancies in weights will appear in the booking details window.

  • Example 2 - Entrance and exit weight is optional and cargo weight is mandatory

  1. Select the confirmed booking.
  2. Click Fill in weights.
  1. Cargo weight is mandatory and marked with a blue asterisk.
  1. Go through the entire booking management process. Click Fill in weights or Confirm departure.

In the opened window, enter the cargo weight. You do not need to enter the other values. Click Save and confirm weights.

  1. The entered data appear in the booking details window.

  • Example 3 - weights are not mandatory
  1. Go through the entire booking management process. When the vehicle is loaded and ready to go, click Confirm departure.
  1. A window will appear informing you that no weights have been entered.

You can enter weights - to do this, click Fill in weights.

If you do not want to enter the weights, click Confirm departure. Adding or editing weights will no longer be possible.

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