Type & activity report

Updated 2 months ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

Function available to CargoON and Trans for Forwarders users who have purchased the complementary product: Business Intelligence reports.

Reports are visible to users selected by the company ordering access.

Learn more about BI reports.

Based on data from the Type & activity report you can:

  • get information on what happened to the freight after its publication
  • see which employees are highly efficient and with what effort
  • check how many freights were negotiated officially and how many of them were negotiated in conversations on the Messenger
  • verify how your employees find subcontractors and what results they achieve

Type & activity is a report showing a chart of activity in terms of:

  • conversations on the messenger
  • negotiations carried out
  • negotiations with conversations on the messenger
  • no activity (refers to freights for which no activity has been recorded).

You can find it in the BI reports module. Click on the tab with the name of the report you wish to see.

The report consists of two views: Publication type and Publication activity. To switch between them, click on the chosen option. On the right-hand side ther is a legend that will help you read the data in the chart.

When you hover the mouse cursor over a particular part of the bar chart, a pop-up with additional information shows up:

  1. Publication conversion funnel - a chart showing the freight conversion of a given company. The chart shows:
    • Publications - the number of publications may be bigger than the number of freights if individual freights have been published many times.
    • Freights with response - the number of freights that received a response with the division into:
      • Negotiated only - the number of freights negotiated using the negotiation window (in the freight drawer or in the messenger in a dedicated negotiation window);
      • Conversation only - the number of freights for which a contextual conversation* using Messenger took place;
      • Negotiated with conversation - the number of freights negotiated using the negotiation window and the related contextual conversation using messenger;
      • Accepted publictaions - number of accepted publications
      • Publications without activity - the number of published freights without any interaction (negotiations or conversations).

  1. Publications per user
    In the next section, you will see a table of employees, which presents the number and percentage of their publications that were negotiated, discussed via messenger and those that did not receive any reaction.

Click on a selected user to update the charts above to display only data for that user.

Publication type chart

The data for the Publication type is presented using a pie and a bar chart. The pie chart illustrates the total number of published freights.

The legend next to the chart shows which color represents which mode of publishing a freight offer: on the exchange (Exchange), to private exchanges (Corporate), on fixed routes (Fixed routes).

The Publications over time chart shows the total number of published freights over time.

After hovering the cursor over the appropriate color in the bar, you can see the number of publications from a given publishing mode.

After clicking, the rest of the charts will adjust to the selected value.

You can change the settings of the displayed data in the Filtering options, which are discussed below.

Publication activity chart

The Publication activity chart is the second view of the report. It shows the sum of freights published in the selected period of time, divided into:

  • number of published negotiated freights,
  • number of published freights without any interaction (negotiations or conversations).
*Contextual communication - a conversation on the messenger that began in the context of a freight, i.e. the carrier who received the freight clicked on the messenger icon in the freight list or on the messenger icon in the freight drawer, or started a contextual conversation in the messenger.


Filtering can be done by:

  1. clicking on an item in the legend above the chart (e.g. Exchange to display only the freights published on the Exchange),
  2. clicking on the name of a specific person in the table below the chart (only offers published by the given employee are shown),
  3. setting the appropriate filters in the filter menu.

Click on the filter symbol in the right-hand column to open the filtering settings for the Type & activity report.

Otwieranie ustawień filtrowania

In the filter settings you can:

  • select filtering according to the Choose calendar parameter: by the Unloading date or Publication date of the freight;
  • change the Unloading date range  (Unloading date);
  • select an employee (Employee);
  • select loading and/or unloading countries (Loading country  / Unloading country);
  • select the types of freight publication: to the exchange (Exchange), to the private exchange (Private), to the corporate exchange (Corporate), on a fixed route (Fixed routes), to selected/groups (Groups), SmartMatch offers;
  • choose activity types (Publication activity);
  • filter publications that have received replies and/or have been accepted (Replied, Accepted);
  • select a carrier that has accepted the freight offer (Accepted carrier)
  • add freight number (Freight number)
  • add External ID

By selecting Show freights details (the drop-down list icon under the filter symbol) you can see a table with the following data:

  • External ID,
  • Freight number 
  • Employee,
  • Loading place 
  • Unloading place,
  • Unloading date,
  • Publication date,
  • Publication type,
  • Publication Activity - information whether the offer was negotiated or not,
  • Accepted price - accepted freight price.
  • Accepted carrier - the carrier that accepted the offer.

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