Publication of freight and searching for carriers using a rule

Updated 4 weeks ago by Ania

Who can use this function?

The function is available for forwarders (TFF - Trans for Forwarders) and for users of the CargoON product line.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to publish freight using an automation rule,
  • how to publish freight using an automation rule with the “Buy now” option.

Publication of freight and searching for a carrier using a rule

Automation rules will be suggested when publishing freight each time the proposal criteria match them.

You can specify the parameters of the automation rule, i.e. price, currency, payment date each time in the freight form.

Example of a matching rule:

  1. If you want to use the Automation rules function when publishing freight:
  • enter the price in the form - this field is not mandatory,
  • enter currency - this field is mandatory,
  • enter the payment deadline - this field is mandatory,
  • click the Publish freight button.

  1. You will find the published freight in the Freights module in the Added tab.

In the freight details you will find the following information:

  • how long your offer will be visible,
  • publication type,
  • publication price,
  • publication steps,
  • payment period.

  1. If the contractor responds to the offer, you will find it in the offer details in the Negotiations tab.
  2. If the time for publishing step 1 of the rule has passed, it goes to the next step indicated during creating the rule.
  3. The rule will end if the freight is accepted or if none of the recipients sends an offer, or if the offer is rejected by all of them. Then the freight will be moved to the archive.

If you do not want to publish freight using an automation rule, select a different freight publication mode.

Freight publication using a rule with the “Buy now” option

The option is available in the freight publication form.

If you enable this option, the carrier's acceptance of the terms will constitute the conclusion of the transaction. Offers from other carriers will be rejected.

The BUY NOW option is not supported on the freight exchange and in Fixed routes with fixed price conditions, the step with the freight exchange will be omitted.
For Carriers in Fixed routes, freight will be published according to previously agreed conditions.

  1. Example of publishing a rule with the "Buy now" option:
  • enter the price and currency in the freight form,
  • select “Buy now”,
  • enter payment deadline,
  • click the Publish freight button.

  1. You will find the published freight in the Freights module in the Added tab.

  1. In the freight details you will find the following information:
  • how long your offer will be visible,
  • publication type,
  • publication price,
  • publication steps,
  • date of payment.

  1. If the contractor accepts the offer, the freight will be transferred to the Accepted tab in the Freights module.
  2. If the time for publishing step 1 of the rule has passed, it goes to the next step indicated when creating the rule.
  3. The rule will end if the freight is accepted, or when none of the recipients responds to the offer, or when the offer is rejected by all of them - the freight will be moved to the archive.

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