Budget overview widget

Updated 1 month ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

This function is available to all Trans.eu Platform and CargoON users.

Learn more about the Dashboard module and widgets.

Basic information about the widget

Add the Budget overview widget to your Dashboard to quickly check how much you spend or earn on transport during a selected period.

Budget overview widget:

  • belongs to the Freights category of widgets,
  • is dedicated for both clients and contractors,
  • displays data collected based on amounts related to accepted freights (either fully or partially in the form of orders).
  • presents data for the entire company and for the individual user, as well as for the client - contractor perspective,
  • shows real-time data,
  • can be added to your Dashboard multiple times (up to 9).

Widget navigation

The main elements of the widget are:

  1. A table consisting of three columns that present financial data from different time perspectives, depending on the selected filters.
  2. View configuration filter, allowing you to set whether you want to analyze values for the Client or Contractor, and for the User or Company.
  3. The date of refreshing the data source and the Refresh option to update the data displayed in the widget.
  4. Data range filters - available by clicking the blue arrow. There you can set:
  • display date (loading date, unloading date, acceptance date),
  • currency,
  • your spending limit (for the client) or your earnings goal (for the contractor).

Limit/Goal: depending on your role, you can set your spending limit per day/week/month or your earnings goal that you want to achieve within these periods.

How to analyze data?

  1. To facilitate data analysis, add the widget twice (you can add the widget up to 9 times).
You can learn how to add a widget to the Dashboard in the article Widgets - basic information.
  1. Set the company view (1) on one widget, and the user view (2) on the other.
  1. Set data range filters on each widget.
If you are not in only one role (e.g. client), the role view change filter will not be active.
Example: For the purposes of this article, the selected data range is:
(1) View for client and company, unloading date, currency: PLN, spending limit 50,000.
(2) View for client and user, unloading date, currency: PLN, spending limit 30,000.

  • For each period (day, week, month), data is presented for the previous, current, and upcoming period. When you hover your mouse over a selected bar, you will find detailed information in the tooltip.

  • Each bar is divided into 3 sections: previous, current and next period, so you can easily track changes over time.
  • If, as a client, you set a limit and exceed it, the amount will be displayed in red, informing you that you have exceeded your spending limit.
  • If, as a contractor, you set a goal and achieve it, the amount will be displayed in green, letting you know you have exceeded your earnings goal.

The Budget overview widget provides insight into key financial data, so you can:

  • control your expenses/income in different time ranges,
  • track the achievement of financial goals,
  • plan your activities better.

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