Transparency rate widget

Updated 2 weeks ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

The function is available to all users of the Platform who have access to the CargoON and TFF (Trans For Forwarders) product lines.

Learn more about the Dashboard and widgets module.

Basic information about the widget

Add the Transparency rate to your Dashboard if you want to quickly assess the transparency level of your business compared to other companies on the Platform.

Transparency rate:

  • belongs to widgets from the Ratings category,
  • is dedicated to contractors,
  • presents data based on number of offers, acceptance and negotiation of offers, unilateral acceptance and responses to inquiries on the Platform,
  • takes into account the latest activity on the platform - the number and date of the last offer,
  • shows data for the entire company and the user,
  • presents archival data,
  • can be added to the Dashboard more than once.

Widget navigation

The widget has 2 basic views: a main and detailed one. Both show your transparency level.

Navigation in the main view

The elements of the Transparency rate widget in the main view are:

  1. Arrow - upon clicking it, a window will appear with the option to filter data.

Here you can choose if you want data to be displayed for the user or company.

The currently selected kind of view is indicated by the icon at the bottom of the window (collapsed or expanded)
- a person icon means user-related data,
-a building icon means company-related data.

  1. Status as at  - the date on which the transparency rate was calculated.
  2. Percentage - represents your transparency score.
  3. Legend - explanation of the meaning of the main value icons located around the circle.
  • Acceptance of offers,
  • One-sided acceptance,
  • Negotiations,
  • Answers to inquiries,
  • Number of offers and date of the last publication.
When calculating the Transparency rate, the algorithms take these 5 basic indicators into account. Offer acceptance and unilateral acceptance show how many freights have been added and accepted. Negotiations and responses to inquiries show the commitment of the freight publisher and whether they tried to find a carrier for a given order. The number of offers and the date of the last publication indicate activity - how many offers have been published over time, e.g. the user who published 5 offers during a week will have a higher rate than the user who published 10 offers during a month.
  1. Icons of the main values that influence the level of transparency.
After clicking on the icon, you will check the level of a given value, so you can better understand what influences your result.

  1. Show details - a button that will take you to a detailed view.

Navigation in detailed view

To go to the detailed view, click Show details in the main view.

The elements of the Transparency rate widget in the detailed view are:

  1. Filters - after clicking the blue arrow, a "drawer" will appear with the option of filtering data.

Here you can choose the way the data are supposed to be shown: as a user or company.

  1. Status as at - the date on which the transparency rate was calculated.
  2. Rate value - this is the Transparency Rate from the main view, but expressed in a different way. Here we show which percentile of the set you are in compared to all companies on the Platform (if you display data for a company) or users in your company (if you display  data for a user). Indicators - we present 4 indicators (level of acceptance of offers, level of one-sided acceptance, level of negotiations, level of response to inquiries) along with information whether the values are lower, similar or higher compared to other companies or users.
  3. Go back to the main screen - this button brings you back to the default widget view.

How to analyze data

  1. Click the arrow icon and choose whether you want to display data for the company or for the user.

You can add the Transparency rate widget multiple times by selecting the data that interests you most. Example: add two widgets next to each other, select the User filter for one and the Company filter for the other. You can also display the default view and the detailed view next to it on one of the widgets. This way you can get a full picture of the data without switching between views.

As you regularly monitor your transparency rate, you may notice that one metric changes while the other stays the same. This is related to the group to which the indicators are compared  - the main one for all users of the Platform and the detailed one for the best users of the Platform.

Example 1: The main value remains the same, but your detailed rate increased by 4% - this means that at the same time, users who previously performed similarly to you now perform worse.

Example 2: The main rate increases and the detailed indicator remains unchanged - this means that the transparency rate also increased for other users.

  1. Instead of a typical progress bar, both your transparency level and the level of individual components are presented with circles.

An icon or transparency level is surrounded by a dashed line which in some places changes to a gray outline. The percentage value is represented by the degree of shading the edge of the circle. The higher the percentage of transparency, the larger part of the outline is marked with a gray line.

By comparing your overall and detailed result with other users or clients, you will quickly realize in which areas you can improve your transactional efficiency.

We also show the transaction rate using a wave. The higher the rate, the more filled the circle.

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