Multifreight - handling the function by the carrier

Updated 6 months ago by Ania

From this article you will learn:

  • what freight handling with a multifreight option looks like
  • what order handling with a multifreight option looks like
Multifreight is a freight offer that consists of many transports that can be carried out over a longer period of time.

Handling of freight with multifreight option

The maximum number of haulages specified by the client is intended for the entire carrier's company.


In the offer, the client specified a range of 2 - 4 haulages to be handled by one carrier.

- If one employee took fewer haulages than the number provided in the offer, it means that other employees in the company can negotiate the remaining number of haulages.

The total sum of haulages provided by the carrier cannot be greater than 4.
  1. If you see a multifreight offer on the exchange or in the Private tab, it will be marked Multifreight with a number indicating the number of haulages.

  1. Click on the offer to open a window with details.


Rate per ton: EUR 100, maximum number of courses: 4, payment within 30 days.


The number of expected haulages is 5. The Send option is unavailable. A message about the maximum number of haulages will appear.

  • Change the number of haulages and submit your reply.

  1. In the Haulages field, enter the number of haulages you can handle. Then click the Send button.


- Number of haulages to be completed: 2

  • Your offer is waiting for acceptance by the client.

  • When the client accepts the offer, the information Offer accepted will appear in the offer window.

Handling the order

After accepting the offer, the next step is to process the order.

  1. In the Orders module, in the Active/Sent tab (depending on the product line), an order with the status Confirm conditions will appear on the list.
  2. Select an order from the list. In the details window, click the See conditions button.
  1. Read the conditions of the order, then decide to Discard or Confirm the terms.

  1. If you confirm the conditions of the order, the status on the list will change to the next one - Order in execution.
  2. Additionally, a new Transports tab will appear in the drawer, where current information and actions to be performed will appear.
  • The information Complete operations details indicates that the time frame provided in the offer is too wide. In this situation, specify the exact dates and times. Depending on the schedule settings, this can be done by shipper, carrier, or both parties.

- If the Schedule is created by the Client, wait until they complete the data.

- If the Schedule is created by the carrier (you), click and complete the data.

- If you create the Schedule together, it means that each party can complete the data.

  • In the example, the dates can be completed by the Client.
  • Wait for the client to complete the data.

  • The information Complete transport details will appear if you have not completed the data in the order such as vehicle details, driver details etc.
  • If you provided the data earlier, e.g. if you sent them via e-mail, the client can complete them as well.

  • Complete the driver and vehicle data and click Save.

  • After completing the data, the transport order will be moved to the Active tab, and the information Waiting to start will appear on the transport list.

  • On the transport list, 30 minutes before the given loading time, the information On the way to loading will appear.

  • If you reach the first point of the route - click on the three dots and Confirm arrival for loading.

  • Enter the information and save using the Confirm button.

  • The information Loading will appear on the transport list.
  • Once the work is completed, Confirm loading.

  • Complete the data and save using the Confirm button.

  • After loading is completed, the information En route will appear on the transport list.

  • If you reach the last point of the route - click on the three dots and Confirm arrival for unloading.

  • Enter the information and save using the Confirm button.

  • The information On unloading will appear on the transport list.

  • Complete the data and save using the Confirm button.

  • If you confirm that the unloading has been completed, the order will go to the Completed section and you will see the information that the transport has been finished.
  • When the transport is completed, you will see the information about the execution of the order, whether loading and unloading took place on time and whether any claims were raised.

  1. Next order status is Complete the required documents. In the drawer with order details, go to the Attachments tab and add the documents that were required in the order conditions. Add documents and enable their visibility.
  • If you provided the documents earlier, e.g. via e-mail, the client can complete the data as well.
  • If no additional documents were required in the terms of the order, the order status immediately changes to the next one.

  1. The next order status is Awaiting confirmation. It means that all transport tasks have been completed, the required documents have been added and now the client has to confirm that the order was executed.

  1. After confirming the completion, the order status will change to - Completed.

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