Warehouse utility report - Dock Scheduler

Updated 4 months ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

Function available to CargoON and Trans for Forwarders users who have purchased the supplementary product: Business Intelligence reports and have access to the Dock Scheduler product.

The reports are visible to the users specified by the company requesting access.

Learn more about BI reports.

Based on data from the Warehouse utility report, you can

  • check how traffic is distributed in your warehouse,
  • find out the most common reason for delays,
  • check the operational efficiency of your warehousing and logistics processes,
  • get information to help you make decisions on optimising your warehouse management,
  • identify areas for improvement.

To access the report, click on the BI reports module and go to the Warehouse utility tab.

The report consists of 3 main parts:

  1. The top bar with parameters referring to the delay tolerance (expressed in minutes): Carrier arrived (concerning carrier delay) and Operation started (delay of warehouse operations) as well as information on the selected time interval.
  2. No. of operations - the middle section, where you use a doughnut chart, bar chart and calendar to determine the number of operations that were carried out on time or were delayed (both on the carrier's and warehouse end).
  3. Operations time - the bottom section with charts showing the hourly times of operations (on time and delayed).

The report is based on the data extracted from the Dock Scheduler module.
The data presented in the report refers to 1 warehouse (you can select the warehouse using filters). The period for which the data is displayed is also determined by the filter option. It is described at the end of the article.

Delay time tolerance

In the top section of the report, you can use the slider to set the acceptable delay time for the carrier.

The time frame is up to 20 minutes. We distinguish between 2 tolerance times:

  • when the carrier arrives too early,
  • when the carrier arrives late.

In our example, the tolerance time is 15 minutes. Assume that unloading was scheduled for 8:00 a.m. Our carrier arrived at the warehouse at 8:10 a.m. - the report will not consider this as a late arrival but as an on-time arrival.
The situation will be the same if the carrier arrives at the warehouse at 7:55 a.m.
When you set a tolerance time, the data from the other parts of the report is adjusted accordingly.

Operation started

This parameter is used to set the accepted delay time for the start of the operation (loading or unloading).

The time frame is up to 20 minutes.

When you set a tolerance time, the data from the other parts of the report is adjusted accordingly.

No. of operations

In the No. of operations section, there is data showing the number of on-time and delayed operations - distinguishing whether the delays were caused by the carrier or the warehouse.

The data is presented in the form of:

  • a doughnut chart,
  • a calendar,
  • a bar chart.

  1. The parameter above the doughnut chart allows you to decide whether or not an early arrival is considered to be on time.

The chart on the left illustrates the situation when arriving ahead of schedule is still considered to be on time. The chart presents the following figures:

  • Total - sum of operations,
  • on time - operations carried out on time (grey),
  • carrier delay - delayed operations on the carrier's end (yellow),
  • warehouse delay - delayed operations on the warehouse end - e.g. the carrier arrived on time, but there were no free docks available at the warehouse (red),
  • not happen - operations that were not performed - loading or unloading did not take place (dark blue).

The chart on the right illustrates the situation when arriving ahead of schedule is not considered to beon time. The chart presents the following figures:

  • Total - sum of operations,
  • on time - operations carried out on time (grey),
  • carrier too early - operations where the carrier arrived ahead of schedule (grey),
  • carrier delay - delays caused by the carrier (yellow),
  • warehouse delay - delayed operations on the warehouse end - e.g. the carrier arrived on time, but there were no free docks available at the warehouse (red),
  • not happen - operations that were not performed - loading or unloading did not take place (dark blue).

Click on a category to choose whether you want to exclude it from the data or whether you want the report to show data for that category only.

  1. Calendar

The calendar allows you to see how many operations carried out on a given day were:

  • scheduled,
  • delayed,
  • on time.

The values on the right side of the calendar show how many operations were performed on a given day of the week.

The values at the bottom of the calendar allow you to see how many operations took place at specific times.

The information in the calendar is displayed according to the filter settings of the entire report.

Hover the cursor over a particular value to open a window with detailed information on the number of specific operations.

  1. Bar chart

The number of operations can also be viewed on the bar chart:

  • on time - carried out on time
  • not happen - those for which loading or unloading did not take place,
  • carrier delay - those where the carrier was late,
  • carrier too early - those where the carrier arrived ahead of schedule,
  • warehouse delay - those where the delay occurred on the warehouse end.

Select the type of operation you want to view and the data on the chart will adjust to your selection.

The data can be grouped by any of the following parameters:

  • day of the week,
  • day of the month,
  • hour of the day.

The way the data is displayed is selected by using the Data aggregation option.

The data changes only in the bar chart and the Operations time section - the data displayed in the calendar and doughnut chart remains unchanged.

If you select not happen as the type of operation, then - by hovering the cursor over the relevant bar - a window will be displayed with the name of a particular carrier and the number of operations it did not carry out.

Operations time

The Operations time section presents the time of operations in two charts:

  • "Total" linear chart [hour] - where the total time of operations expressed in hours is shown,
  • "Average" bar chart [hour] - with the average time of operations, also expressed in hours.

The Total chart displays the data by category:

  • total operation time,
  • total operation delay time.

When one of the options is selected, the chart data is adjusted.

The colours in the chart correspond to those in the legend next to the doughnut chart.

The Average chart displays the data by category:

  • average operation time,
  • average operation delay time.

When one of the options is selected, the chart data is adjusted.

The colours in the chart correspond to those in the legend next to the doughnut chart.

Hover the cursor over the bar to display a window with detailed information.


The data can be filtered in 5 ways:

  1. Select the option to display data in Arriving earlier is on time.
  2. Click on the given category in the doughnut chart under No. of operations.
  3. Select the options in the bar chart under No. of operations.
  4. Select the display options under Operations time.
  5. Set the appropriate filters in the filter menu.

Click on the filter icon in the right column to open the filter settings for the Warehouse utility report.

In the filter settings you can:

  • select a booking date (Booking date),
  • select a warehouse (Warehouse name),
  • select a ramp name (more than one) (Ramp name),
  • select a carrier (Carrier name),
  • select type of operation (Operation type).

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