Changing order arrangements after acceptance as a carrier

Updated 1 week ago by Ania

Who can use this function?

This function is available to users of the carrier product line (TFC - Trans for Carriers) and freight forwarding (TFF - Trans for Forwarders).

From this article you will learn:

  • when you can propose and implement changes to an order with previously accepted arrangements,
  • which changes do not require the other party's acceptance.

Changing the order conditions is possible when the Carrier confirms the order conditions.
As the carrier, you can send a proposal for changes depending on the stage and status of the given order.
If unloading is confirmed in the order, it will no longer be possible to change the order conditions.
Changes to the order do not alter its current status.

How to change order arrangements and send them to the contractor

To change the arrangements of an accepted order, follow these steps:

  1. From the list, select the order for which you want to change the arrangements.
  2. In the order row, click three dots and select Modify order arrangements from the list.

  • You can change arrangements in the order details window as well. Click More, then select Modify order arrangements from the list.

  1. In the order arrangements window, make the changes and send them to the contractor.

  1. In the order details window:
    • information about changes waiting for confirmation will appear
    • you can review the proposed changes that have been sent.

An order with new changes will be marked blue on the list.
The option to edit and cancel the change proposal is available to the person who initiates such a change first (if the Carrier is the first to send the change proposal, they will have the option to edit and cancel, while the contractor will not have such an option).
  1. In the change proposal preview, you can:
  • Edit your own proposal

  • Cancel proposed changes

In the Changes history tab, all information about the order is available.
  1. If the contractor responds to your proposed changes, a window will automatically appear on the screen. Additionally, you will receive an email with information.
  2. You can use the available options:
  • Propose a new rate and send your proposal to the contractor

  • Confirm the proposal.
  • Reject the proposal.

  • Remind me: specify when the information should be displayed again.

  • Decisions to be made later are available in the Decision panel. Click the icon to view details.

  • Check the list of decisions in which you can perform the actions described above.

The information in the Decision panel is available to all employees. Learn more how the Decision panel works.

As a carrier, you can make changes depending on the stage and status of a given order.

How to respond to changes of the arrangements proposed by the Contractor

All information regarding the order is available in the Changes history tab.

  1. If the contractor confirms or rejects the proposed changes, the information will appear in the Changes history tab.

  1. If the contractor sends their proposal, you can, just like above:
  • propose a new rate,
  • reject or confirm the changes
  • postpone the decision

The option to edit and cancel a proposed change is available to the person who initiates such a change first (if the client sends the proposal first, they will have the ability to edit and cancel it, while the contractor will not have such an option).

Changes to order conditions that do not require the carrier's consent

Not all changes of the order arrangements require consent of the carrier. Such changes include:

  1. Changing the reference number by the contractor is automatically accepted and does not require confirmation from the carrier.
  2. Changing the operation location distance to small distances (up to 10 km).

The change proposal is not sent to the contractor, and the change history will show an entry about the automatic change.

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