Freights Overview report

Updated 2 weeks ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

The function is available to CargoON and Trans for Forwarders users who have purchased a supplementary product: Business Intelligence reports.

Reports are visible to selected users specified by the company requesting access.

Learn more about BI reports.

The Overview report is a part of a group of freight reports that provide a comprehensive insight into the company's activity in the Freights module.
With these reports, you can:
- Identify key trends and periods in which the company operates most effectively,
- Assess the efficiency of the best employees,
- Optimize actions related to freight publication.

Data source: data comes from the Freights module.
Data scope: the reports include published freights, covering the full process of their creation, contractors' responses, negotiations and final acceptance, as well as those that ended with the conclusion of a transaction on the platform.

Based on the data from the Freights Overview report:

  • you will receive a general summary of your company's overall activity in the Freights module on the Platform,
  • you will check the time and directions in which your company operates more efficiently,
  • you will check which of your employees are the most effective,
  • you will analyze which of the subcontractors you work with most often and check the cooperation results.

To access the Freights Overview report, click on the BI reports module.

The report consists of 5 main sections:

  1. Freights Overview chart - displays the number of published and accepted freights.
  2. The Comparing chosen value with previous year chart allows you to compare current data from the selected category with data from the previous year.
  3. The Type & Activity donut chart shows what happened to freight offers after they were published.​
  4. Employees dashboard - indicates the most active and efficient employees.
  5. Carriers activity section - shows your cooperation with carriers.

Setting the scope of analyzed data

You can define the scope of analyzed data using filters.

  1. Click the filter symbol in the right column to open the Overview report filter settings.

Filter settings
In the filters you can set:

- the time range for the displayed data (Choose calendar) - you can specify the time range for the publication date or unloading date.
- Publication type - including the ones to the exchange (Exchange), to selected/groups (Groups), multi-publications, direct, to a fixed route (Fixed routes), SmartMatch, 
- Employee,
- Transport direction of your freight by country (Country directions) - defined by the country code,
- Body type,
- Freight type,
- Capacity range,
- Offer status: Freights with response (Is response?), freights in negotiation (Is negotiation?), accepted freights  (Is accepted?). 

Note! This type of filter is contextual. If you do not have offers in negotiation, for example, this filter will not appear in your report. In case of multifreight publications, if the offer is partially accepted, it will be included in the accepted freights.

- Carrier name,
- Freight number,
- External ID.

Freight overview

The chart displays the number of published and accepted freights from the past 12 months.

By using the Freight option, you can specify the range of data presented:

  • responses - freights that the carrier responded to, for example, by asking a question on the messenger,
  • negotiation - freights for which negotiations were held,
  • acceptance - accepted freights.
Selecting this parameter affects the display of data in other sections of the report.

You will see how many freights have been published on the Platform in individual months and which of them have been accepted by carriers.

The line on the chart represents the percentage of accepted freights, those with responses or those under negotiations (depending on the choice of parameters).

This allows you to quickly identify:

  • when your company operates more effectively,
  • when your employees are most efficient.

Each bar is divided into two colors. Depending on the selected parameter, one represents positive responses (Yes), and the other represents negative responses (No).

When you hover over a selected bar, you can see a window with information about the number of published freights.

Comparing chosen value with previous year chart

​The chart allows you to compare data from the current year with data from the previous year in selected categories. It allows you to perform comparative analysis for:​

  • ​Freights published,
  • ​Freights published that received a response (Freights with response),
  • ​Freights negotiated using the negotiation window (Freights with negotiation),
  • ​Freights that were accepted (Accepted freights),
  • ​Number of carriers that responded to the freight publication (Number of carriers).

The values for the current year are marked in gray.

The navy blue chart visualizes the values for the previous year, making comparisons easy.

Hovering your mouse cursor over a specific part of the chart will display a tooltip with detailed information.

Type & Activity chart

​The Type & Activity donut chart shows activity in percentage terms of:

  • ​Conversations on messenger (Conversation only),​
  • ​Completed negotiations (Negotiation only),​
  • Negotiations with messenger conversations (Negotiated with conversation),​
  • ​No activity at all - refers to freights with no activity (Without activity).​

​This allows you to track the final status of the freight, regardless of whether it ended at the negotiation stage or was accepted.

After clicking on the hyperlink icon you will be redirected to the Type & activity report.​

Employees panel

The Employees section will provide you with information about the most engaged and effective employees. With a clear data visualization, you can easily compare their results. We depicted the employees with circles.

The size of the circle represents the number of freight offers published by the employee on the platform.

The darker the color, the more formal transactions the employee has concluded.

By clicking on the hyperlink icon, you will be redirected to the Performance report.

When you hover over an employee's circle, you will see more detailed information.

In our example, the employee with the largest, navy blue field (1) published 3,713 freight offers and 3,422 of them ended in a formal transaction. The employee with the light blue field published fewer offers (215), but 172 of them were formal transactions. In his case, the percentage of accepted freights is 80.00% and in the case of the employee with the navy blue field - 92.16%.

Carrier activity chart

With the Carrier activity panel, you can perform a similar analysis as in the Employees section, assessing the activity and effectiveness of your subcontractors.

By clicking on the hyperlink icon, you will be redirected to the Carrier activity report.

In the bar chart, the celadon color indicates the freights that carriers responded to, the navy blue indicates those under negotiation.

If you select Freight with responses in the Freight overview section, you will see response data instead of negotiation data on the Carrier Activity chart.
If you select Freights with acceptance, you will only see results for accepted freights.

With this panel, you can easily define:

  • which subcontractors your company prefers to work with,
  • which subcontractors you address the most offers to,
  • which subcontractors are most willing to cooperate with you.

With filters you can analyze:

  • cooperation with subcontractors on specific directions (on which directions the subcontractor is most active and effective),
  • cooperation between subcontractors and specific employees (with which subcontractors employees most willingly establish or want to establish cooperation).

You can also present this information in the context of specific directions.

The information icon shows available data range.

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