Platform notifications and sounds

Updated 4 months ago by Jakub

Who can use this function?

This function is available to all users of the Platform and CargoON.

Notifications are enabled by default on the Platform. If you want them to appear, allow them to be displayed in your browser.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to set notifications and sounds
  • how notifications work in the Search loads module
  • how notifications work in the messenger
  • how notifications work in the notification panel

Notification and sound settings

By default, notifications on the Platform are enabled for key events. You can modify these settings according to your preferences.

Go to Settings in the notification panel.

You can modify the settings for selected notification areas using the sliders.

You can set notifications for the Exchange, Messenger or Other modules, as well as places where you can receive notifications.

Notifications in the Search loads module

Every time a new offer appears in the monitored tab, you will hear a characteristic sound, see the tab highlighted and the number of new offers.

You can turn off notification sounds for a selected tab using the arrow. Select Turn off sound.

Messenger notifications

If you work on the Platform, you will receive a text notification about a new message on the messenger. Clicking on it will open the chat window.

If you are logged in to the Platform but are currently working in a different browser tab, you will receive a text notification and a notification in the Platform tab.

Notifications in the notification panel

A bell icon will notify you of new activities on the Platform. Click on it to display the list of notifications.

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