Creating groups of contractors

Updated 1 day ago by Ania

Who can use this function?​

This function is available to users of the CargoON product line and forwarding (TFF - Trans for Forwarders).

From this article you will learn:

  • how to add groups
  • how to create a group of contractors
  • how to manage groups

Adding a group

You can add a new group in two tabs: Groups and Companies.

  1. To add a new group in the Contractors module, go to the Groups tab.
  • Select Add group.

  • Enter a group name and description (optional).
  • Save the group.

  • The saved group will appear in the list.

  1. To add a new group in the Contractors module, go to the Companies tab.
    • Select the Companies tab.
    • You can search for companies by name, VAT number or TransId.
    • Select the companies from the list that you want to assign to the group.
    • Select Add to group - New group (detailed description above).

Adding contractors to groups

Adding contractors to groups is possible in two tabs: Groups and Companies.

  1. In the Groups tab:
  • From the list, select the group you want to assign companies to.
  • Click on the three dots and select Add companies to group.

  • Select companies from the list of contractors or search by entering the company name, VAT number or TransId.
  • Select the selected companies, then confirm with the Save group button.

  1. In the Companies tab:
  • Select companies from the list of contractors or search by entering the company name, VAT number or TransId.
  • Select a group from the list by clicking on the name. The companies will be assigned to the group.
  • In the list of contractors, the name of the group to which a given company is assigned will appear next to the company.

Managing groups

You can manage the created groups in the Groups tab.

  1. Select a group from the list. Detailed information will appear on the right side.
  2. Additionally, by clicking More you can:
  • add the company to the group
  • edit the name and description of the group 
  • copy group
  • export group to messenger
  • delete a group

  • Additional options are also available when clicking the three dots icon.

Select the appropriate option and make changes if necessary.

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