Booking templates

Updated 5 months ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

  • Function available to users of the CargoON product line who have access to the Dock Scheduler product and the Schedules module with the Warehouse Manager or Full access role assigned.

From this article you will learn:

  • where to find the settings for the booking template,
  • what the default booking template looks like,
  • how to add a new booking template,
  • how to edit a booking template.

A booking template is a form that a carrier fills in when making a booking. The form is completed with the data and parameters that are relevant to the shipper.

Default booking template

On the Platform, there is a basic (default) template, which is compatible with the current scope of the booking data.

  1. Click on the avatar and then on Settings.

  1. Select the Schedules tab.
Step 1 image

  1. In the Booking templates section, you will find the Basic (Default) template defined. It is compatible with the current scope of the booking data.
    Select the template from the list and click on the 3-dot icon to go to the preview.
Step 2 image

  1. The Booking template includes:
  • template name,
  • warehouses to which the template is assigned,
  • data visible on the form (vehicle data, driver data, other) - optional and mandatory.
Step 3 image

The basic (default) template cannot be edited or deleted.

Add a booking template

You can define your own booking templates depending on your needs and requirements.

  1. To add a template, click on the avatar > Settings > Schedules tab.

In the Schedules tab, click on Add template.

Step 4 image

  1. Template name is a mandatory field when creating a booking template.

If you want to save the created template as default, select the checkbox for this option.

  1. You can assign the template to selected warehouses.
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  1. Select the parameters that are important to you and which the carrier must fill in on the form when making a booking. After selecting the parameters, the system will remind you if they are mandatory or optional for the carrier to fill in.
    Next, click on Save booking template.

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  1. The newly created booking template can be found in the list.
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If you hover the mouse over the number of warehouses assigned to the template, you will see their names.

A new booking template can also be created when adding a new warehouse.

Edit a booking template

If you want to edit the template, click on the avatar > Settings > Schedules tab.

From the list, select the template you want to edit and click on the 3-dot icon. The template can only be edited if it is not being used in a booking.

Once the carrier has made a booking, you can check the details under the Booking schedule or Booking list.

Click on the given booking. In the drawer, you will find the information with the parameters you specified in the booking template.

Booking template on the carrier's side

  1. To make a booking as a carrier, go to the Bookings tab and click on Add booking next to the date you are interested in.
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  1. Select the time of the booking and click Next.
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  1. Fill in the fields created by the shipper. Those marked with an asterisk are mandatory. You may complete the rest of the information, but it is not mandatory.
    Click on Add booking.

Step 13 image

  1. The confirmed booking can be found under My bookings.

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