Balancing types

Updated 8 months ago by Ania

Who can use this function?

  • Function available to users of the CargoON product line who have access to the Fixed routes with carriers module.

From this article you will learn:

  • what methods are available for balancing contracts on fixed routes
  • how to change the balancing type settings
  • when to use the available balancing types

Set a balancing type

If you have active (existing) fixed route terms with more than one carrier, you can decide how to balance your contracts.

Within the fixed routes, the following balancing types are used:

  • manual sequence management,
  • as determined by the fixed route terms,
  • percentage share,
  • freight limits.

To set the chosen balancing type, go to the Fixed routes with carriers module (1) and click on a fixed route. I the Active tab (2), select the balancing type from the drop-down list (3).

Manual sequence management

Manual sequence management is the default balancing type. What does it mean in practice? Your freight offers will be distributed to carriers according to their sequence in the table. If you want to change the order of the carriers in the list, use the up/down arrows next to each number. Click on the arrow to set the new order.

Manual sequence management is most relevant when using the sequential publication option to publish loads to a fixed route.
As determined by the fixed route terms

You can choose this type of balancing if you define a planned number of shipments in the fixed route terms. In this balancing type, your freight offers will be distributed according to predetermined conditions for carriers.

This option will be unavailable if you do not specify an estimated number of shipments when setting fixed route terms.

Percentage share

Select the balancing type: Percentage share and then determine what is your expected share of the total orders executed by the carriers for a given fixed route.

This setting will affect the order of carriers when a freight is published. It is automatically arranged so that the percentage share you have set can be fulfilled.

This balancing type will be unavailable if the list is empty or if the conditions between the carriers on the list are settled in different currencies.

Freight limits

This settlement type allows you to set a percentage limit on orders for carriers.

Set a maximum and minimum percentage for all carriers and save your settings.

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