TransInfo Widget

Updated 6 months ago by Katarzyna

Who can use this function?

The function is available to all users of the Platform and CargoON.

Learn more about the Dashboard Module and widgets.

Basic information about the widget

Add the TransInfo Widget to your Dashboard if you want to have quick access to articles from the world of transport.

TransInfo Widget:

  • is dedicated to clients and contractors,
  • allows browsing articles published on the blog and on the TransInfo portal, 
  • can be displayed in 3 sizes: small, medium, large,
  • presents data in real time,
  • you can add it to your Dashboard only once in one size.

Widget navigation

  1. The TransInfo widget consists of sections with thumbnails, titles and links to articles. You will always see an article from the blog first and an article from the website second.
  2. After clicking on the selected article, it will open in a new browser window. 
  3. The widget refreshes when you enter the Dashboard module and when you manually refresh the page.
  4. You can display the TransInfo widget in 3 versions:
  • small - taking up 1 Dashboard tile
  • medium -taking up 2 tiles on the Dashboard
  • large - taking up 4 tiles.

In the large version, in addition to thumbnails, there is also a list of articles to which you can switch by clicking Next page.

To return to thumbnail view, click Previous page.

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