Functions of the Decision management panel

Updated 3 weeks ago by Ania

Who can use this function?

This function is available to all users of the Platform and CargoON.

From this article you will learn:

  • what is a decision panel
  • how to make, postpone and close a decision

The Decision management panel is a feature that provides users with a central place to handle important decisions related to various processes in the company. It also supports the decision-making process and their management.

The Decision management panel icon is available in the top bar on the Platform on the right-hand side.

The number next to the icon indicates the number of new decisions to be made that have not been read yet, for which no action has been performed.

When you click on the Decisions to be made icon, a list will appear that includes:

  1. A list of decisions on the left-hand side. Decisions may belong to different categories.
  • The decisions that need to be made the soonest will appear at the top of the list.

  1. Decision details on the right: after selecting a specific item the user can view all the necessary information and possible actions.

  1. Possible actions to take:
  • Close the decision using the "x" icon, leaving it visible in the panel but marked as already viewed.
  • Make the decision immediately by selecting the appropriate option, such as Yes, No or another choice, depending on the available options. The number and content of options depend on the process the decision concerns.

  • Postpone your decision by setting a reminder for a later time.

  • If a decision is postponed, a mark will appear on the list and information will be provided as to when to expect a reminder.

Decisions not made

If a decision is not made within a specified time, it automatically disappears from the panel. This ensures that users see only current tasks, increasing transparency and allowing them to focus on priority tasks.

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