List of ratings in the exchange offer line

Updated 1 year ago by Jakub

On the New Platform you can check the company rating list and the monthly trend from the level of the load exchange offers.

Quick access to company ratings 

In the line of the exchange offer, after moving the cursor over the rating visible under the name of the companies, a distribution of grades will be displayed, divided into the number of grades received on a five-point star scale, where 1 is the lowest and 5 the highest. Next to the list is also displayed a monthly trend, which is calculated if the company receives at least 10 ratings in the last two months.

How does the trend work?

The trend is calculated on the basis of a comparison of the current month's ratings with the average of the previous month's, so you can check whether the trend is upward, downward or maintained at the same level.

  1. If a mark in the form of a green up arrow appears in the line of the exchange offer during the assessment, it means that the rating has increased compared to last month. After hovering over the rating, a graph will also be displayed showing the monthly trend.

  2. If the mark appears in the form of a red down arrow during the assessment, it means that the grade has dropped compared to last month. After hovering over the rating, a graph will also be displayed showing the monthly trend. After clicking on the rating, a window with information about the company will appear in which you can check the details of the problems reported.
  3. If there is no arrow mark during the assessment, it means that:
  • the rating remained unchanged in the last month - after moving the cursor over the rating, a graph will be displayed showing the monthly trend.

  • the company has too few ratings to calculate the monthly trend - the company should receive at least 10 ratings in the last two months to calculate the monthly trend.

  • dashed line - on the chart means that the company in given months has not received enough ratings to calculate the trend.

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