(TFC - Carrier) Negotiation and acceptance of the offer in Loads2Go

Updated 3 months ago by Małgorzata

In the negotiated offers tab you will find all offers (freight exchange and private):

  • under negotiation
  • accepted
  • archival, i.e. all after the loading date and rejected

Depending on the type of publication of the offer, you can immediately agree to the rate proposed by the shipper or start negotiations.

Buy Now mode

If you want:

  • Accept the offer - click on Accept
  • Reject offer - click on the area with a given rate to expand an additional view. Select the Reject button.

Offers with price proposition

You can accept, reject or negotiate. If you want to:

  • Accept the offer - click on Accept
  • Reject offer - click on the area with a given rate to expand an additional view -> Select the Reject button.
  • Negotiate an offer - enter your rate in the price field -> After changing the rate, the Accept button will change to Negotiate -> Click on it to send your proposal to the contractor.

Offers without price

it is a sign that the contractor is waiting for your proposal. You can start negotiations by entering your own rate in the blank field.

Negotiations and acceptance of offers

  1. Click on an offer to see the details
  1. If you have any questions, contact the shipper by clicking on the conversation icon
  • You will be taken to the TransMessenger application
If the shipper replies to your message, you will receive a notification. Click on it to go to the chat window.
  1. After agreeing the details with the shipper or reading the details of the offer, enter your freight rate in the negotiation field and send it to the contractor
  1. You will be notified if the shipper responds to the offer. Click on it to see the details.
  1. If you are satisfied with the client's proposal, click Accept.
  1. After accepting the rate from the shipper, you will receive a notification. Click on it to go to the details of the offer.

  1. The offer will be moved from the under negotiated tab to the accepted tab.

Filtering freight offers

In the Negotiated offers tab you can search for the freight you are interested in by setting a search filter, e.g. only for negotiated offers that are waiting for approval. For this purpose:

  1. Click on the Negotiated offers tab, click on Filters
  1. Select the freight status you are interested in by expanding the list
  1. Click on Show Results
You will receive all information regarding the negotiation of offers in notifications, which will redirect you directly to the offer submitted.

Learn more about notifications

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