Reports - general information

Learn more about the Enterprise reports available on the Platform

Updated 1 week ago by Katarzyna

Performance report

The Performance report provides information that helps measure the effectiveness of the activities undertaken by your company on the Platform and CargoON.

Updated 1 week ago by Katarzyna

Benchmark report

The Benchmark Report will help you determine the value of freight rates that your company has achieved through negotiations on the Platform.

Updated 3 weeks ago by Katarzyna

Freights list report

The report contains a complete list of freights published and negotiated on the Platform, along with the most relevant information on freight details from the perspective of settlement.

Updated 1 month ago by Katarzyna

Type & activity report

See the Type & activity graph to learn which channels are used to negotiate the freights published by your employees.

Updated 4 weeks ago by Katarzyna

Negotiation report

Check in a table which freight achieved, or could have achieved, savings through effective negotiations or publications on a public exchange.

Updated 3 weeks ago

On Time In Full (OTIF) report

Check with the OTIF report whether carriers are making on-time deliveries and the quality of their transport services.

Updated 2 weeks ago by Katarzyna

Carrier activity report

View a report showing the activity of carriers with which transactions were made.

Updated 3 weeks ago by Katarzyna

Directions report

Find out how the Directions report can help you check where your costs are going up or down.

Updated 3 weeks ago by Katarzyna

Savings Management report

Learn about the report showing the results of negotiations on the Platform.

Updated 4 weeks ago by Katarzyna

Freights Overview report

With the Freights Overview report, you will get a summary of all your company's activity in the Freights module.

Updated 2 weeks ago by Katarzyna

Warehouse utility report - Dock Scheduler

Review the performance of your warehouses with data from the Warehouse utility report.

Updated 1 month ago by Katarzyna

Operation timeline report (Dock Scheduler)

With the Operation timeline report, you can track the process of handling your bookings.

Updated 1 day ago by Katarzyna

Report - Carrier On Time (Dock Scheduler)

Learn how you can optimize the operation of your warehouse using the Carrier On Time report.

Updated 1 day ago by Katarzyna

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