Management of sent freights

From this article you will learn: what are the types of freights, how to manage published freights, how to filter and sort freights, how to negotiate published freights, how to add internal notes to freights.

Updated 2 months ago by Jakub

The freight archive

Moving freights to Archive keeps the main freight list in order. The list becomes much clearer and easier to browse.

Updated 14 minutes ago by Jakub

Payment term for a freight

From this article you will learn how to: - set a payment term for a freight - set a payment term in the Freights module

Updated 2 weeks ago by Jakub

Import of freights from a CSV file

Learn how to add a CSV file on the Platform

Updated 2 days ago by Jakub

Freight templates

From this article you will learn how to: - create a freight template - use the created template - delete a freight template

Updated 1 day ago by Jakub

Multifreight - handling the function by the contractor

From this article you will learn how to add an offer with a multifreight option as well as what freight and order handling with a multifreight option looks like.

Updated 1 week ago by Ania

Multifreight - handling the function by the carrier

From this article you will learn what freight and orders handling with the multifreight option looks like.

Updated 3 weeks ago by Ania

Forms of freight settlement

From this article you will learn how to add a freight offer with payment per ton and a freight offer with payment per rate.

Updated 2 weeks ago by Ania

Bulk actions on freights

From this article you will learn: - what bulk actions can be performed in the Sent and Received tabs - what bulk actions can be performed depending on freight status

Updated 2 weeks ago by Jakub

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