New negotiations - carrier

Updated 1 year ago by Małgorzata

Who can use this function?

Function available to all Platform users.

From this article you will learn about the changes we have made to the way offers may be negotiated when you are looking for a freight to carry.

Please note that the new negotiations include offers published:
- to a public exchange,
- to the private exchange,
- to groups (freight from regular contractors).

Offer selection

Search for freight offers in the Search loads module. Click on the offer you are interested in to expand the freight details window.

If, in the list of offers, you click on the name of the person appearing in the "Submitter" column, you will start a conversation with them about the offer. Click on the desired offer from the list to see a window with the details of the offer.

  • You will see a negotiation window where you can offer your rate and send it directly to the indicated person.
  • You can also start a conversation with this person about the offer in the messenger by clicking on the Start conversation button.

Change the person you want to negotiate freight with:

If additional contacts are also assigned to an offer, you can decide whom you want to negotiate the rate with. To do this, click the icon next to the name and then select the person you wish to negotiate with from the list.

Once you have selected a contact person, you can send them a rate proposal or start a conversation with them about the offer.

Important: you can negotiate the same offer with many people at the same time - start a conversation about the offer or send an individual rate to each person on the contact list.

Negotiating an offer by several carriers from the same company:

If your colleague is negotiating the freight you are interested in, you no longer need to withdraw their offer in order to make your own. You can negotiate at the same time, quoting your own rates (depending on the vehicle you have at your disposal, the length of the route, etc.).

Click on the desired offer from the list and open its details.

  • 0 next to the clock icon means that no one from your company is negotiating this offer with the selected contact.
  • If you see 1 or more - this means that the orderer in question has already received offers from someone in your company for this freight.

Click on the clock icon to see the progress of ongoing negotiations. There you will find two tabs:

Mine - shows whom you are negotiating a particular freight with. In this case, no price proposal has been sent by you, which is why the figure 0 appears there.

Other - shows which other people from your company is negotiating with the orderer. In this case, you see 1 because only one person from your company is negotiating the offer - remember that you can send your price proposal too.

You can see who from your company is negotiating this freight, but information about how the negotiations and rates are going is:
- completely private
(i.e. no one but you can see the rates and how the negotiations are going) - when negotiating offers published to public and private exchanges;
- completely public (i.e. the rate and how the negotiations are going is visible to everyone in your company) - when negotiating offers published to groups (freight from regular contractors).

Propose a rate and send it to the orderer:

Sending your proposal will increase the counter to 2, as the orderer will receive two offers for this freight from your company. The counter will increase in two places where you can negotiate:

  • negotiation window in the messenger,
  • offer details window.

Click on the clock icon to see that your uploaded offer has appeared in the Mine tab.

All offers for which you have sent price proposals can easily be found in the Under negotiation and watched tab in the Search loads module.

History of negotiations

Once an offer has been accepted, the agreed terms are publicly available to your company's employees. All other offers made by other non-winning contacts remain:
- private: in the case of offers published to public and private exchanges;
- public: in the case of offers published to groups.
  • If your offer, or that of someone else in your company, has been accepted, you will find it in the Accepted tab in the Search loads module.
  • If the negotiation is not successful - it is moved into the Archive tab in the Search loads module.
Remember: in both the Accepted and Archive tabs, the 'Show only mine' filter is selected by default. If you want to see your colleagues' offers, uncheck this filter.

To see the history of a successful negotiation, find the offer you are interested in (Search loads -> Accepted tab) and click on it to see additional information.

In the Negotiations tab, you will see whose offer won along with the rate - this information is available to all employees of your company.

In this tab you will also find sections:

1. My negotiations - you will find all your negotiations here. Click on the clock icon to see the detailed progress of your negotiations.

2. Other negotiations - here you will see the negotiations that other contacts from your company have conducted.

Remember, the negotiation details of the other contacts from your company remain:
- private: in the case of offers published to public and private exchanges;
- public: in the case of offers published to groups.

You can also see the detailed progress of your negotiations from within the messenger. To do this, open the messenger in the subject line of a conversation about a particular offer and click on the clock icon to see the history.

Want to find out what a new negotiation looks like through the eyes of the ordering party? Check it out here.

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