Edit a fixed route

Updated 5 months ago by Ania

Who can use this function?

Function available to all CargoON users.

At any time one may need to edit an existing fixed route. From the article you will learn:

  • how to edit an existing fixed route
  • how to edit freight published on a fixed route
  • how a carrier can negotiate edited fixed route terms

How to edit a fixed route

Go to the Fixed routes with carriers module, select the route the terms of which you want to edit. Then click on the three dots on the right and select Edit.

Remember that if the route is active, editing its parameters requires the terms to be re-approved by the carriers that provide services on the route.  

Make changes and click the Send to carriers button.

Did you know that...
After sending fixed route changes to the carriers:
- a new route is created with the name entered in the field
- as long as the carriers do not accept the new conditions - the former terms of the fixed route apply
- if the fixed route is still under negotiation - the negotiations are terminated

Until the new terms are accepted, the route will be visible in the Under negotiation tab, with the status: Your offer is awaiting approval (Update of conditions).

As soon as the carrier accepts the new conditions, the route is moved back to the Active tab.

Carrier rejects changes to terms of carriage

When you edit a fixed route or load, the carrier can reject the proposed changes.

Click on the relevant route and you will see the rejection reason on the right. You can now:

  1. talk to the carrier and view the details of the rejection, then
  2. edit the proposed terms again by clicking on More and Edit conditions.

Make changes to send a new proposal to the carrier.

Until the new terms are accepted, the route will be visible in the Under negotiation tab, with the status: Your offer is awaiting approval.

When the carrier accepts the changes, the route is moved from the Under negotiation tab to the Active tab, replacing its original version.

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