Offers received from a private exchange in Loads2GO!

On the freight list you can see offers marked as private exchange. This means that the shipper has added your company to a private exchange, so you receive offers that can be seen only by selected individuals.

Searching for private exchange offers

To find all private exchange offers:

  1. Click on Filters> Add search filter on exchange> Show more filters> in the "Freight offers sources" section select "private exchange"> Search
To find private exchange offers faster in the future, save a search filter.
  1. You will see offers from the private exchange in one list. To see more offers at the same time, click on the condensed list icon.

Negotiating a private exchange offer

Click on the offer you are interested in> enter your rate proposal> click on Negotiate> Your offer has been sent and is awaiting the approval of the shipper.

  1. Your offer is waiting for acceptance in the Negotiated tab.

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